Saturday, April 28, 2007

Don't Come Knocking On My Door

I'm feeling a little blah today. I don't know why I feel this way either. All I know is that I want to crawl back into bed and go to sleep. But I can't do that, the little crawler at my feet with the bunny her daddy gave me for Easter, makes it difficult to do that.

Plus, I believe I said I would finish the post about Thursday...but no one is really interested in that, are they?

So...I had to go back and see where I left off...

Reed followed me down to the living room. I sat on the couch and he joined me. "Amber what is going on?"

I sighed, "Reed I found out some stuff lately that just makes me not trust Devon." I turned to him, taking his hand in mine. "I know he's your best friend but I don't think he's got your best interests in mind lately."

Resting his head against the couch, Reed looked at me. "I know you haven't liked him since Janie started to date him but Amber, he's my friend."

"A friend who got Janie to hack into my email and delete your emails to me because he thought you were making a fool of yourself." I shook my head, "Oh where do I find a friend like that?"

Reed laughed, "Who told you that? Janie? Amber you really shouldn't believe anything Janie tells you about Devon."

"And why not?"

"Because she's crazy, that's why."

I wanted to hit him when he said that, I know that I haven't talked to Janie in a while but there's no way that she was crazy. "Why would you say that about my friend?"

Reed closed his eyes, "Darling I don't want to fight with you about our friends. I just don't take much of what Janie says to be the truth."

I hit him, I did. I drew my arm back and nailed him right in the arm. "Janie is my best friend! She's never lied to me, so I believe her!"

"Ow," Reed was still rubbing his arm where I hit him, the look of shock on his face had disappeared though. "Well how do you think I feel about you questioning Devon's honesty?"

"But Reed," I whined, I hated that I did it. "Fine," I sat back against the couch. I knew there was no arguing with him if he refused to believe something Janie told me. "Do you trust me?" I looked at him, "Do you think I would lie to you?"

He didn't hesitate, "Of course I trust you Amber."

"Well," I sat back up, facing him once again. "The day that Janie called me and confessed to deleting emails because Devon asked her too. Wait, let me finish." I said when he started to defend Devon again.

"Ok continue," he sighed.

"Once I got off the phone with Janie, I called Devon because I was mad and I didn't want to take it out on you when you got home. So I called him and asked him what his problem was with me."

Reed raised a brow, "And what did he say?" I told Reed that Devon told me he didn't have a problem with me. "See? Janie is just trying to make him look bad," he cut in but I continued.

"...'I just don't think Reed is right for you'." Reed frowned. "I asked him who was, he hinted that he would be and seemed to be offended when I told him that hell would freeze over first." I paused, Reed was sitting there looking stunned. So I continued, "I asked him if he even once thought about what he was doing? If he even realized how much you missed out on because of him. He told me that he was looking out for you, 'I saw what a sad mess Reed was when you left', he told me. 'I couldn't believe that he let you do that to him. I was tired of hearing him moan about losing you when you know as well as I do that Reed isn't man enough to handle you; you would've dumped his ass before the baby was even born'."

Reed held up his hand, all the color seemed to have drained from his face. "Enough Amber, I don't think I want to hear anymore."

But I didn't stop, "I told him that he didn't know what he was talking about, that you -"

Reed jumped off the couch, "Amber I told you I didn't want to hear anymore!" He started to walk away from me.

"Reed!" I called out, he stopped but didn't turn around. "I think you know what I told him, just after I said it I head the apartment door close and you were standing there." I got up and quickly closed the distance between us. "When he said that I was so mad, all I could think of was how I had always been faithful to you. I never thought that you weren't good enough for me, I never thought I was good enough for you." Reed turned around, "I told him that he didn't know what he was talking about," I wrapped my arms around his waist as I gazed up at him. "I told him you were man enough to handle me -"

"You said I was fantastic at it and you said you were mine," Reed smiled. "Did you mean it Amber?"

"Yes," I smiled. "I meant every word of what I told him."

There wasn't much talking that took place after that. We ended up on the couch again, this time we were entwined in each other's arms as we kissed.

I wanted so badly to remove his clothes and make love to him but I wanted everything to be out in the open with him first, I didn't want to rush this second chance.

We headed to bed shortly after, Reed stopped off to shower first, then he joined me. I didn't know what he decided to do about Devon.

Or I didn't know until yesterday. Devon was the one at the door when I was writing this.

Albert had requested to have the morning off yesterday, Reed had told him it was fine because he wasn't going to be home - this was before Alexis and I came. When he told me about it, I said it was fine, I've been living without servants for so long that I didn't understand why he had them.

So I had no choice but to answer the door. And once I did, I wished I didn't. "Hello Devon," I wanted to slam the door in his face not greet him in anyway.

He was leaning against the door frame staring at me, it was making me nervous. "Amber," he pushed off the frame and invited himself in.

"What are you -"

He spun around, "How are you doing?" I didn't answer, I didn't want him there so I figured he would leave if I didn't say much to him. I was wrong. "I hear you've been spreading your hatred for me," he lifted a hand to my cheek. "Now why on earth would you do that?" I slapped his hand away and he laughed, "What's wrong Amber?"

"Don't touch me," I hissed at him.

He grabbed me, holding me tight to his body. "Don't mess with me Amber, you'll find that you won't win." He lowered his head so that his lips brushed my cheek, "Why fight me? When you know we could be so good together?"

I felt sick to my stomach, I was going to tell him to leave me alone when the doorbell rang again. "AmberLynn?" Reed's mother called through the door.

Devon released me, pushing me away from him as he did so; I stumbled a little but I managed not to fall. "Keep your mouth shut Amber, otherwise people you care about could get hurt." He yanked the front door opened and brushed past Lucinda without so much as a 'hello'.

"Amber?" Lucinda let herself in and closed the door. "What was Devon doing here?" She asked, "You really shouldn't have guys over when Reed isn't here."

I stared at her, I couldn't believe she thought that I would...with Devon? I cringed but what I wanted to do was cry. "I need to call Reed," I whispered.

"Why Amber? What's going on?"

I didn't bother to answer her, I headed off to call Reed. I didn't actually expect him to answer his phone but on the third ring, he did. Once I heard his voice, the tears started to roll down my cheeks. "What's wrong darling?"

"No-not-nothing!" I managed to say through my sobs.

"You are scaring me Amber, tell me what's wrong." He sounded so concerned that I felt like a fool for getting on like this.

"Devon was here," I whispered as I looked over my shoulder at Lucinda hovering in the doorway.

"What did he do?" Reed asked. "If he hurt you Amber, I'll kill him!"

"No, he didn't Reed. I just got scared," I took a deep breath. "I'm sorry Reed."

He told me that I had nothing to be sorry for. "Tell you what, I'll see if I can get out of here for a few minutes to come home."

I shook my head, wiping my eyes. "No Reed you don't have too." I glanced at Lucinda again, "Your mother is here, I'll be ok."

"Are you sure? I mean it is my mother," he was trying to make me feel better, and I knew it.

"Oh," I laughed. "I'll be ok Reed."

He asked a few more times if I was sure before he reluctantly hung up the phone.

When I got off the phone his mother wanted to know what was wrong, "Did Devon upset you Amber?"

I didn't want to tell her, I didn't trust her that much so I told her no. "I was just missing Reed," I told her, which wasn't actually a lie; I find I do miss him lately.

My telling her that seemed to make her day, she dropped the subject of Devon. Although she seemed to make excuses to stay longer than I had hoped she would.

When I finally got her to leave, my mother showed up. I have a feeling that Lucinda called her and told her what she saw when she came here. My mother didn't ask me too many questions, she just wanted to talk about Alexis and the possibility of me moving back to town.

I was so thankful when Reed finally came home. Alexis wasn't the only one who 'ran' to him, I jumped off the couch and was at his side in no time. "Hey darling," he chuckled before he pressed his lips against my forehead. "Miss me much?"

Not much else happened last night, Reed and I played with Alexis before dinner and then we put her to bed. Once she was asleep he went to shower and I relaxed on the couch. When he returned to the living room, he told me he had to finish a report for work and then disappeared into his 'office'.

He wasn't out by the time I started to nod off so I ended up going to bed alone.

I was so tired that I didn't even hear him when he came to bed. But I know he did come to bed because he was holding me when I woke up this morning.

Right now he's at work...again. He told me that he was hoping that he didn't have to go in tomorrow. "My father hasn't told me if I can take tomorrow to spend with you and Alexis yet."

I hope that he can take tomorrow off, for Alexis' sake, she seems to be missing her daddy more here than when we were in the apartment.


Anonymous said...

I have been wondering what happened. Thank you for covering that. I don't like Devon and I wonder how he figures he can cause so many problems. I hope she plays this right b/c it can ruin what she has with Reed right now. Hopefully Reed doesn't listen to his friend over Amber.

Nic said...

I'm sorry for the girl who's gonna marry Devon. He has her (his fiance), Janie and now he wants Amber too. That's a guy you have to stay away from.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Devon is such a filthy scumbag! And what's up with the threat? I'd be cautious around him...he certainly seems capable of manipulating people for his own benefit *shudder*. What a psycho. At least Lucinda was there...who know what else may have happened. Hopfully Reed is going to take what Amber said seriously and not just dismiss it...I can see Devon coming between them a lot. Meep.


Anonymous said...

OH I hope Amber tells Reed about Devon's threats. They don't need any more secrets between them. This is so good it's like a daily soap opera!

Anonymous said...

Devon is a total asswipe. Looks like Reed is becoming a bit of a workaholic too. Hmm. I wonder when Amber is gonna tell Chris she's back together with Reed?

Anonymous said...

I think Devon and Amber have some sort of past that nobody knows about! Devon has something on her and she's scared to death it's going to come out!

Anonymous said...

Devon is definitely scum! And it does see that he is good at creating "misunderstandings" and devious scenios! Watch out Amber!
