Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Surprise, I Still Love You

Is it possible to want something so bad that you end up screwing it all up? Or is it not meant to be if it doesn't seem to be working out? Or is it just me being so scared to take a chance, to fight for something that could ever well be everything I'm looking for in this life.

I don't have a clue, I wish I did.

I also wish that yesterday ended better than it did.

It started off so promising, I woke up with Reed and he didn't have to go to work. We had breakfast together and then he asked if it would be alright if he took Alexis out for a while; he had something he wanted to do with her. When I had told him that it would take me a few minutes to get ready, he gave me this puzzled look before he clued in what I meant. "Oh, I just meant Alexis."


He gave me a half hearted smile, "I just want to spend sometime with Alexis."

I said, "oh ok." What else could I say? But as soon as they were gone the feelings I had the night before came back again. As I look back, I realize that I felt alone. I felt that I didn't belong here in this life anymore. I honestly thought that Reed would want to spend time with me too on his day off and the fact that pretty much the first thing he did was tell me he wanted to be alone with Alexis hurt. I know it's probably silly to have thought about it that way but I did.

While they were gone, I just sat around here, waiting. Then I posted here until they came back.

He was very secretive about what they did while they were out and of course Alexis couldn't tell me. Nor did he say anything an hour later before he disappeared for a good 20 minutes.

When he returned Alexis and I were in the kitchen. "What are you doing?" He asked me.

I glanced over my shoulder at him, "I'm looking for something to eat, I'm hungry." I turned my attention back to the cup broads but there wasn't really anything in there that I was craving.

"Let's go out for lunch."

I shook my head, I didn't want to go anywhere with him. I know it was silly but I was upset he didn't tell me where we took our daughter earlier. I figured if he wanted to go out, then he could but I wasn't and I told him that.

"Stop being so stubborn Amber! Just come with us and we'll have lunch." He picked Alexis up and started out of the kitchen.

"Have fun," I called out after him as I searched through the fridge.

He didn't say anything to me and when I looked over my shoulder I saw he was gone. I just shrugged and pulled out a bottle of jam that was sitting in the fridge. Mmmm, peanut butter and jam sandwiches! I haven't had them in a while, I thought as I got the rest of the ingredients out on the counter. When I went to get a knife I as the toaster and smiled, even better! Toasted PB & J!

I was whistling happily as I plugged in the toaster, I was really looking forward to eating the sandwich. I stretched out my arm to reach for the bag of bread but came up empty. "What the...? Oh," I smiled up at Reed. "Can I have that back please?"

"No," He snapped. "Stop this nonsense and come for lunch with Alexis and me."

I glared at him, "Why don't you just stay here and get something to eat with us? Why do you have to go out? Is being here with us too much for you?"

Reed rolled his eyes, "Of course it's not! I just thought we could all go out for lunch. Why are you making a big deal out of this?"

"I don't want to go out for lunch," I told him.

He shook his head, "I don't believe you. I think you are just being stubborn because I wouldn't tell you what Alexis and I did, or where I went a few minutes ago. It's just plain silly Amber."

"Then tell me where you went!"

"Come for lunch with us."

We stood there locked in a staring contest like we were little kids. I felt so stupid so I looked away first. "Reed, I -" I gasped as he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. "Reed put me down!" He didn't say anything, he just walked. Out of the kitchen, down the hall to the front door. "Reed?"

He opened the door and carried me out to his car. "Reed, I'm not dressed to go anywhere! I don't even have shoes on!" I cried.

"Well then you shouldn't have been so stubborn!" He said as he slammed the door shut and ran around to the driver's side. I was about to open the door when he started it up and slipped it into reverse.

"Reed! I'm not ready to go anywhere!" I sobbed. I knew it was my own fault but I couldn't believe he was seriously going to make me go somewhere without even letting me brush my hair.

Stopped the car Reed slammed it into park. "Ten minutes," he said.

"What?" I looked at him.

He turned his head my way, his brown eyes were almost black, his whole expression seemed to be one of anger and disappointment. "I said 'ten minutes'. To do whatever you need to do to go to lunch with us."

I nodded as I opened the door. "Oh Amber?" I glanced back over my shoulder at him. "If you change, make sure to put on something you'll be comfortable in."

I went to ask him what he meant but he glanced at his watch, "Right, ten minutes."

Hopping out of the car, I didn't even notice the roughness of the pavement under my feet, I was too lost in my own thoughts to notice. Once inside, I quickly ran to his room, into the bathroom and stripped off all my clothes. As quickly as I could, I washed up and ran back into the bedroom to get dressed. Dressing comfortable as Reed said wasn't a difficult thing to do; all my clothes were of the comfortable kind.

With a minute to spare, I found myself opening his car door and sliding in. "Thank you," I said, clicking my seat belt in place.

He sat there giving me the once over before he nodded and eased the car into the midday traffic.

As we drove, I tried to figure out where he was taking us but one by one he slowly eliminated all the places I thought we would go as he drove pass them. We were nearing the end of town and I began to wonder if he was going to be leaving town for lunch. Which wouldn't make sense seeing all the really good places to eat where in town.

Just before the city limits sign, he made a right hand turn onto Lake shore Drive, I quickly tried to think of places there to eat but all I could think of were high end restaurants; certainly not 'comfy' clothes places.

He made another right hand turn into a parking lot and found a spot. Without saying anything to me, he shut off the car and got out to walk around to my side. He held out his hand for me when he opened the door and like it always did, that gesture made me smile. "So where are we having lunch?" I asked him, I was standing so close to him I had to tilt my head back to look up at him.

"You'll see," he replied while making his way to the back door to get Alexis out of her car seat. "Won't she Princess?" Alexis giggled, which made Reed smile. "Yeah, I know you think it's cool but will mommy?" We started to walk around the back of the car when he stopped me and gave me Alexis. "I have to get something."

Pressing a button on his remote, the trunk popped open to reveal exactly what he had planned for lunch. "Oh my!" I gasped as the aroma of what was hidden in the basket drifted up and tickled my senses. "You..." I couldn't think of anything to say when I looked at his smiling face.

"Yes, me." He pulled the basket and the cooler out of the trunk and started towards the road.

Beyond the road was one of the parks in town. It was actually the biggest with a picnic area ( BBQ pits, tables and trash cans), a playground (swings, sandbox, slides, and other play items), there was a jogging trail that ran though it. But the part I loved about this park was the lake in the middle and the trees that were scattered throughout it. There were more times than I cared to mention when I sat on the border of this lake just staring off into space as I tried to get a handle on whatever was going on in my life. Just like right now, I thought.

"Reed, I...oh!" I wasn't watching where I was going and I walked right into him. "I'm sorry." He smiled but didn't say anything, he just placed the basket and the cooler on the ground. Opening the basket he pulled out a blanket and spread it out. After helping me sit down, he lowered his body onto the blanket and stared at me.

"What?" I asked him nervously.

"Do you remember the last time we were here?"

I nodded, I did remember. It was a couple days before I found out I was pregnant, I had snuck out of my house like we had planned. I think I was grounded for some reason. We met here around midnight, he had food and drinks for us, just like he did today. "We talked about what we wanted for the future," I said softly.

"We talked about our future together."

That night he told me that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with me. "I love you very much Amber," he whispered in my ear as he held me tight. "Until you came into my life, I thought that love was for fools." His arms loosened around me, he looked down at me. "I want you to know that I'm going to ask your father for his blessing, for your hand in marriage."

I was happy then, I could see all my dreams coming true. But we all know what happened just a few days later. I don't even know if he ever did talk to my father about marrying me.

I sighed, "Yeah things have turned out a lot different than planned." We both turned to Alexis, who was crawling around the edge of the blanket, lifted up the corners and peeking underneath. "I wouldn't change what happened."

"I would," Reed jumped in. When I frowned at him, he clarified. "I wouldn't change anything with Alexis, but I would change the way I reacted. Amber, if I could go back and relive the moment you told me about her, I would have been different. We would be different." His eyes travelled back to Alexis, "And our daughter would have my name."

"Is that important?" I asked, "Do you feel cheated because her last name isn't Johnson?"

He stretched out on the blanket, "I would've liked it if she did have my name." He smiled at me, "It doesn't bother me that she has yours, I just wish there wasn't a..." he paused; he seemed to be trying to gather his thoughts. Finally he continued, "I wish that we spent the last year and a half building our life together Amber. I don't like that Alexis and you aren't around all the time, I miss you two so much when I come back here. Everything seems to empty."

I knew what he meant, I felt that way too when he wasn't around, or when he was and wasn't spending time with us. "It's difficult when we don't live here Reed. Alexis and I have a life elsewhere."

"But it doesn't have to be that way," he sat up and moved in closer to me. "Amber please come home, let us have that future we talked about the last time we were here."


He took my face in his hands and as he stared into the dept of my soul he seemed to speak to my heart. "I love you Amber, not a day goes by when I don't think about you and how extremely happy you make me. I know I've done some stupid things in the past but I promise that I will do everything I can to give you the life you deserve. I promise to love you like you crave to be loved." He tilted his head towards me, "Will you marry me my love?"

My hand reached out to stroke his cheek, "Reed I -"

"Wait," Reed stopped me. "I know that it maybe a little too soon to be asking you, we haven't had a chance to work through all the issues of the past and the ones that seem to have popped up recently. I want you to know that as much as I would love to have your answer right now, I want you to take your time, I need you to be sure of how you feel."

"Reed - "

"Shhh my darling," he held a finger over my lips. "I don't have a ring. Well," he chuckled. "I do have a ring, one that I picked out for you the day after your father said he would be happy to 'give' you to me in marriage."

I groaned at his wording, "I -"

"I don't want you to say 'yes' and not have the ring to give to you Amber. I don't think th-"

I kissed him, that seemed to be the only way to stop him from rambling. "Reed," I pulled back from him. "I don't care if you have a ring or not, I don't even care if you have my father's blessing or not. All I care about is how I feel right now."

"And how is that?" He sounded a little unsure if he wanted to know how I felt.

"Reed," I sighed and he cringed. "It's not that bad," I told him.

"How bad is it?" He asked.

"I love you Reed, we both know that so there would be no point in denying it."

He nodded, "But?"

I shrugged, "But...I'm not going to lie to you. I'm scared. I don't know what I'm doing and the thoughts of entering into a relationship with you without knowing who I am makes me feel like I'm dooming us before we even get started."

"You don't want to marry me." It was more of a statement than a question.

"No Reed!" I wrapped my arms around him, "I want to marry you! I want to be your wife and have your..." I glanced at Alexis and laughed. "More of your babies."

Reed grinned but then it disappeared. "If that's the case then why all the doom and gloom talk?"

"I don't want to disappoint you Reed but I feel that the way I am now, I would disappoint you."

He tried to tell me I wouldn't disappoint him but I knew that I did already, the night before proved that to me. I knew I needed to figure out how to get rid of the feelings that over took me on Sunday.

I went to say something about what was going on that night when Alexis crawled over to the basket and started to pull on it. "I think someone is hungry," he said while he went to stop her. Conversation soon turned to everyday topics where it was easy to have an autopilot response.

We spent a couple hours just playing in the park after lunch, by the time we left Alexis was out like a light. The drive home was pretty uneventful, we continued talking about frivolous things.

After we put Alexis in her crib, Reed told me that we were invited to dinner with both our parents at my parents' house. I didn't really want to do but I knew there was no getting out of it.

Right now, I wish I tried harder to stay home...


Amber said...

I just want to say that I don't see the use of 'darling' as condesending at all. I'm sorry you guys feel the way you do about it's use but just like 'honey', 'babe', 'sweetie' and mnay others out there, it's a tear of endearment.

And yes, Amber is unsure of herself...she doesn't do things she should when she should...in many ways she is like me. There are many situations where I wish I told someone how I felt but I closed myself off from those around me and now I'm having to try and mend some relationships that may never be repaired. I would love to write her as comfident and all knowing, but that's not who she is. The idea of this blog was to make it seem real, and not everyone knows who they are, where they should be or what they should do. Those who did know that at 19, lucky you! I'm 26 and I still have a lot to figure out!

And that is my two cents worth this morning ~l~

I hope you all have a good day ~s~

Anonymous said...

That was a great post. I am so glad she did not say yes right away but I do hope she says yes eventually. I think this dinner will be quite eventful.


Anonymous said...

I sense that you were hurt by some of the comments. Just ignore people and try not to take any of it personally....I love your blog! I would hate to see another person give up on their own blog because of other people's critquing. Let this continue to be fun for you. I love the idea of your blog because I was also unsure of myself at 19 and still am at 36! UGH!! Some day I will figure it out.

And BTW, my husband calls me Darling, okay maybe it's Ddarlynn with more of a midwest accent but I love it! And I like hearing Reed say it to Amber.

MJ said...

I personally like darling as a term of endearment. I think it's really sweet and for all of you who don't like it, if you look it up in the dictionary it means a person that is very dear to another and is cherished.

I personally like how the story is going so far. Yes, many of us wish that things were going perfectly for the three of them, but this isn't a disney movie, things don't just fall into place after 90 minutes. So thank you for making this blog realistic and please continue to write just how you are.. its great!

Anonymous said...

AMBER, I LOVE YOUR BLOG, don't change a thing, well...except for keeping you and Reed together forever, ha ha, sorry I just LOVE you both together, DARLING!!


Amber said...

Mookie and MJ

thank you for your comment I love hearing from the people who read this blog. All of the people who read this blog. I don't take what people say personally, they are all entitled to their opinions but every now and then I like to comment on something that people say. Most times it's just to express thoughts that can't be addressed in the blog itself. Like I have stated in my other blog time and time again, I will not quit writing because someone may not like the term of endearment that I use or how my characters act. This is something I do for fun, and until I'm tired of writing, it's going to remain something I do for fun.

I know the the people commenting aren't personally attacking me, they are doing what I want them to do, read the blog and comment. It keeps me motivated just like all the comments of those who have great things to say about what I write.

Amanda, dinner wouldn't be dinner without some theatre to go with it ~g~

Amber said...

G I will only do what the story gods let me do with this blog.

With that said, I better go finish the post for 'View' or I'll have some unhappy people there wanting to poke me with a pitchfork ~l~

Anonymous said...

I think one of the reasons I like this blog so much is that you write realisticlly for her age. I am in my 20's and don't always know what the right thing to say is. It takes a lot of work for me to be open and speak of the things that bother me in a relationship.
I just thought I would tell you that. Darling is also a very southern thing to call someone, but is a term of endearment and I don't think it is condesending!

Anonymous said...

Wow! I'm going to have to go back & read comments from yesterday - I was too busy to do it then!

I love the drama, I love Amber being realistic. Hate to go back to the soap opera thing, but people who watch always root for their favorite couple get together & be happy...and then when they are, everyone thinks it's boring!

Love, Love, Love the blog!

Anonymous said...

Wow! There was a lot of responce to my comment about Reed calling Amber darling. People sure got defensive. It's pretty rude of people to infer that I don't know what "darling" means, I need to "look it up in a dictionary". The darling thing is just a personal pet peeve I have, and I just wanted to know if anyone else had this same pet peeve. I certainly didn't mean to offend Amber, or the other people who aren't bothered by being called "darling"! I didn't think I deserved some of the responses it got, but some people will look for any reason to argue. How's that saying go "Winning an arguement on the internet is like winning the Special Olypics, even if you win, you're still stupid." And I'm sure that will offend someone, so my appoligies in advance!


LDRN said...

I will not use this blog to start an argument, but I think you need to delete or revise your comment. You know that that 'joke' will offend many people, so why even post it?
People in the Special Olympics aren't stupid. They simply have special needs....
Also, for the sake of maintaining a 'civil' environment, please keep the forums a fun place to talk--not a bickering ground that so many of these turn into! This girl has two blogs to keep up with, and she's doing an amazing job!

Amber said...

This is my favorite out of the two blogs you write! I love the other one but this one just calls out to me more...

When i was 19 i didnt know what i want.. i dont think i know now either..

Have a great day!!

Anonymous said...

My bf (28) calls me darling. It's sweet. It makes me think that Amber and Reed are actually soulmates, loves from another lifetime.

And Amber (Anna), I know that you don't really take much offense to some of the comments that are said, but I just wanted to let you know that I've been reading both of your blogs for a few months now, and I think you are a wonderful and talented writer, and even the best of writers get told things that they don't always like to hear, but you just stick to what you're doing, and love doing it while you do it, and that is what matters the most. The people who read your blogs, those who comment, and I'm sure those who don't, look forward to reading your posts each and every day, and I hope that it makes you smile to know that you're making us smile.


Alyssa said...

My darling, Amber,
I love the blog!!! and I love how you write darling...it is a very high class word that is used in the upper class society, I think it is so cute! You know what, girl! Don't even trip, cause you got it goin' on! I love your blog, and your character "flaws" make the story what it is! Heck, I'm almost thrity and still don't know who I am. You are doing a great job! Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

awe!!! that picknick was soooo sweet!! a real surprise! and honestly i think i would react the same way as amber did when she found out that reed only wanted to go out with alexis and not with her.. lol...