Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Run In

Janie ended up staying the night. Neither one of us got much sleep at all.

In the morning, I called Reed to see if he spoke to Devon at all but he hadn't heard from him since the day he left my place with Janie. When I told him what Janie told me, he was stunned.

"No way!" He exclaimed. "He's my best friend Amber, if he were going to pack up and leave, he would tell me!"

"Well his condo is empty and his parents don't know where he is. What else could that mean except that he left town?"

"No," Reed insisted. "He would've told me! You don't keep things like that from your best friend!"

"Don't yell at me," I told him. "I'm just telling you what I was told."

"Sorry darling," he sighed. He told me that he didn't believe for one second that Devon would leave town. "Everything he wanted is here," he told me. "He wouldn't give up like this, especially when he got Janie to give him...well..."

"Well what?"

"I was going to say a chance to explain but I guess they didn't do much talking."

Although Reed insisted that Devon wouldn't leave town, with the evidence that we had, what other conclusion were we supposed to jump too? And after making a few calls and talking to some people, Reed was starting to second guess himself.

"He couldn't have left town," he told me Sunday night as we sat on the couch together. "It doesn't make sense."

"But Reed things haven't been going that well for him lately, maybe he just needed some time to figure out what he was doing? He did have three weeks booked off work for the honeymoon, maybe he decided to get away?" I frowned and then added. "But that wouldn't explain where his stuff went."

So as far as I knew, Devon had left town.

At least that's what I thought.

I was waiting at the meat counter at Sobey's for the people ahead of me to finish when I spotted Devon pushing a shopping cart...with Annette by his side! Or I guess I should say Kelly! I couldn't believe my eyes! I thought for sure I was seeing things but they were still there when I rubbed my eyes and looked again.

Stepping out of line, I quickly rolled my cart in their direction, stopping only when my cart was directly in front of theirs. Devon was saying something to Ann - Kelly, he didn't see the cart and was visibly shocked when his cart stopped short.

"Amber!" He shot me a questioning look. "Did you lose control or something?" I glared at him. "Oh," he glanced at A - Kelly and shrugged. "How are you doing?"

"How am I doing?"

He nodded slowly. "Yes, how are you doing?"

There were so many things that I wanted to say to him at that moment but I just called him a jerk and walked away.

"Amber!" There was a hint of laughter in his voice as he called out to me. "Wait a minute!" I didn't stop but I did slow down and before too long he was walking along side of me. "You are mad at me?"


"What did I do?"

"Jerky things, you jerk."

"Amber," he grabbed hold of my arm and stopped me. "We could do this all day but I'm sure that you have better things to do; people who are waiting for you at home. Tell me what you are mad at."

I stared at him for the longest time, I was debating what I was going to say first.


I yanked my arm out of his hand and glared at him. "I thought you were different, I even told her that you were and she should give you a chance but you aren't, are you? You are still the same heartless bastard who played with her hopes and dreams; you'll never change." As I turned away from him, I told him I didn't want to see him again.

I was so mad, I didn't even bother to head to the check out with the stuff I had in the cart, I just abandoned the cart in the middle of the aisle and walked out.

Devon followed me.


Anonymous said...

He better have a really good explaination!

Anonymous said...

i think amber should let devon explain himself. maybe he is just helping kelly because she has no one else to turn to. people can change and i think devon has become a better person. also, janie needs to figure out what she wants before she sleeps with devon again. she is engaged after all.


MonkeySpeak said...

I think Devon is just helping her out. I think he might have moved out of the house because he didn't want to live in the house he and Kelly were supposed to share and being tha the has a really soft spot for babies, he is going to help Kelly out because as horrible as everything is, she was left at the alter?

who knows. he is a jerk though.

Anonymous said...

I think you're right, Gatormonkey. I think Devon realized that he wasn't the only one hurt when things with the wedding went bad. He's probably just helping Kelly get on her feet....maybe he moved out of his house so she could live there and have a place to live when the baby comes. Just a thought.....

Anonymous said...

What if he's planning on trying to adopt Annette/Kelly's baby? From what I gathered she's in no financial condition to have a child right now.

Carmel Beauty said...

I believe he will have an explaination she just needs to let him explain

The Middle Child said...

I think Amber should stick to minding her own.... but I know it is hard.

Devon obviously doesn't like to be alone, and if Janie told him to hit the road then so be it. Maybe he and Kelly will get along great now that all the lies have been uncovered. Maybe they are better for one another... seeings how they are both ... I don't know, mean or liars, or whatever..

Anonymous said...

He owes an explanation and apology but to Janie not Amber. Why is he being SO STUPID and just not telling her the ttuth....the lie about the engagement, wanting kids etc??

ctiger said...

OH great post. Can't wait to hear what he has to say. Oh the drama.


Lynn said...

I don't think Devon is all wrong, he is respecting what Janie said, which was I don't want to be with you or hear any explanations.
I think the middle child is right, Devon doesn't like being alone. It would be nice if he could tell Janie the whole story, but that would require Janie to listen. We aren't happy with Wade, for not taking the hint in the other blog, so why do we think Devon should ignore what she says she wants and plow on through?

Anonymous said...

I agree I think Devon is just leaving Janie alone. He told her he loves her and if she refuses to hear anything else...what is he supposed to do. With regards to him being with Annette/Kelly, I think there is a really good explanation.

Anonymous said...

I thought Devon moved in with Kelly is some awful Aunt's house. What happened to his place by the water that Amber liked so much? Is this where they checked?


Lynn said...

Karen sparked my interest. Devon did live in a condo before Annette/Kelly, and then moved into Kelly's Aunts house. But since Kelly didn't really have anything it is probable that Devon's parents bought that house, so maybe Devon moved into that house with Annette to help her out.

Anonymous said...

I agree with anon - I think he is going to adopt the baby!


Vikki said...

I can't WAIT to hear this explanation. I hope he hasn't given up on Janie.

Jerky things you jerk! LOL!!

Anonymous said...

i am shocked and appauled!...but im sure that devon has a good explanation now that he has...turned a new leaf...or at least we think he has....
i cant believe he had the nerve to laugh tho...i duno..i just want janie to noe the truth from devon and then figure out what she wants or rather who she wants..

Anonymous said...

I cannot wait for today's post!!! What has Devon been up to? What the HECK is he doing w/Kelly/Annette? What's going to happen with Janie and Cary? Who is the mystery caller who keeps harrassing Amber? What's going on with Roger and Lucinda?

I'm with anon: I think Devon is going to adopt the baby.

I also agree with Vikki: jerky things you jerk! ahahahaahaha, that was priceless!!