Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Near Nudity, Dinner Invations and Threats - Oh My!

I didn't even have time to cover myself or think 'oh shit!' I looked up at Reed and Alexis standing in the doorway to my apartment. I saw the confusion in Reed's eyes and the realization as it hit him. And behind all that I saw the hurt and that's what made me feel guilty.

I don't know why it made me feel guilty, I was free to be with whoever I wanted. I just didn't think I would be making out with Chris when Reed and Alexis came back from their outing.

"Reed?" I made a move for my shirt.

"Do you hear the birds Alexis?" He asked her in a forced cheerful tone. He didn't say another word, or look at me again. He backed up and closed the door.

"Your ex has bad timing," Chris muttered as he grabbed his shirt off the floor. I stared at him as he pulled his shirt over his head. "What?" He asked when he saw me looking.

"You can't possibly be upset about that, it's not like he planned it. He didn't even know you were coming over today and - " I frowned. "I thought you were working today."

Chris leaned in and kissed me softly. "I was but it was quiet and a holiday weekend so the boss told us to go home. I have tomorrow off too." He smiled. "Did you have any plans tomorrow? Would you like to join me at my parents house for supper?"

I hesitated.

"Are you doing something with your ex?" His smile was gone now.

I shrugged, "Alexis and I didn't have any plans but with Reed here to see her, I don't think that it would be right to take off and leave him here alone." I had an idea, "How about I cook dinner tomorrow for all four of us? That would be cool, don't you think? And it'll give you time to get to know Reed, and apologize for your rude behaviour last night."

Chris groaned, "Amber, I have to go to my parent's house, there's no getting out of it."

"Alexis! Why don't we go in now?" Reed's voice came through the door abnormally loud. I glanced at Chris and he laughed.

We put Alexis down for her nap not long after that and then Reed made some excuse about having work to do. As he opened the door to leave, Chris jumped up from the couch and walked over to him. "Sorry about last night," he said. "I wasn't expecting you to be here, I didn't mean to be rude." He held out his hand to Reed. "I'm Chris Slade, Amber's boyfriend."

I was watching this from the couch, and for the second time in 24 hours I had the same thought. When did we become boyfriend/girlfriend? Reed just stared at Chris' outstretched hand, and for a moment I thought he was going to just ignore it.

"Nice to meet you Chris," Reed smiled at him and looked him right in the eye. "If you hurt her, you'll have to answer to me."

Chris nodded, "Of course man."

Reed turned to leave but he stopped, "And I'll tell you now," he looked at me and then at Chris. "Those better be the last bruises you ever leave on her."

The rest of Saturday passed by rather quickly, Chris stayed over til about midnight. Reed came over when Alexis woke up and spent most of the time with her.

They didn't necessarily ignore each other but Reed's last words to Chris earlier were still ringing in my ears.

Chris pretty much blew off what Reed said as jealousy but I noticed a little change in his attitude all the same.

Sunday Chris went to his parent's house for dinner and I cooked for Reed...


Anonymous said...

Ill have to admit im on team reed right now... those bruises did not leave a good impression... since the begining i thought there was something fishy about chris, not quite sure yet what it is but the bruises are the first sing something is off, well thats what i think!


EJ said...

I hope Chris isn't suffering from a small pee-pee complex with this whole insecurity thing. That would totally ruin the whole fireman/fantasy thing... It was nice of him to be polite but I couldn't handle the mood swings. Reed is starting to sound better...

Anonymous said...

I love Reed!! Get back together with Reed, he has changed so much from what he used to be and he wants to be involved in Amber's and Alexis life. There is just something about Chris that doesn't sound right... i just dont like him! I hope something Delicious happens at dinner!!! Cant wait to read more!!!


Anonymous said...

I want to know when Amber is going to talk to Chris about this? She should spy on the ex and find out if he's like this. Or meet his parents. She needs to find out more about this guy. Maybe he's a stalker or abusive. I'm having my Christ doubts. :(

Anonymous said...

The fact Reed noticed the bruises shows that he has deep feelings for Amber... At this point I believe that Reed realizes that he screwed up, so he doesn't want to push Amber away and is taking a back seat.

I do hope that things heat up at dinner - however, still think it is to early in the storyline for Amber to give up on Chris just yet.

Can't wait for more

Anonymous said...

I've been reading both this blog and your other, Anna, and I'm addicted. I can't wait for the blogs to go up each day!

I like Reed ALOT better than Chris. They've been out like 3 times? So buying her dinner at an expensive restaurant is supposed to constitute him being her boyfriend? Uh... I don't think so. I think Amber better clear things up with Reed AND FAST!! And get rid of Chris. He seemed sweet in the beginning, but I think he can have a pretty bad temper, and it might turn out for the worst!!

Anonymous said...

Ok - need to put in my 2 cents here! I also read both blogs & love them!

I think there is something fishy about BOTH Reed & Chris, each in their own way. I also think it's strange that Amber found out it's actually Chris that is paying for EVERYTHING and not her parents and that nothing has really been addressed about it since (unless I'm missing something). Personally speaking, I would have been in 7th heaven if my my ex had to pay for my rent, utilities, food, etc. And then Amber acts like it's totally none of Reed's business about Chris....just a little weird!

Please know I'm not getting down on the author or anything. Just debating the issues. I am totally addicted!!


Anonymous said...

I am still for TEAM REED, he really is trying and Amber you seems to be giving him mixed messages. I think that you should see how things develop with your now new immediate family, you are obiviously confused right now, but who can blame you. For so long you were by yourself and now you are overwhelmed, heck I keep switching sides, but you have to go with your heart!! It won't fail you.


Anonymous said...

Team Chris! But I agree that she needs to find out more about him. I also think there's something fishy about both of them!

Anonymous said...

i agree with RJ, amber is giving Reed mixed messages..and she needs to either talk to Chris about what happened or found about him and if hes no good dump him! And for reed he should just patiently wait for amber and she'll come around...she'll soon realize that reed will be there for her daughter and amber and look out for both of them. He even proved it when he told Chris about the bruises!

Anonymous said...

But if she just gets back together with Reed and lives happily ever after we won't have a juicy story anymore, then we will all be bored I say ride out the whole Chris/Reed mixed up emotions for both for a while

Anonymous said...

ha ha, I didn't mean "ride", I meant as in the story line.....tee hee

Anonymous said...

i say bring Janie in!!
I still want to know what happened with her.