Thursday, March 15, 2007

When The Past Comes Knocking

I'm sitting here in what used to be the visitors rooms in my parents house. Since I moved away they built a guest house just off the main house. I wish I could say that I was happy to be back here but I'm not. Sure it's nice to see everyone again and see all the familiar places but I just want to hide away from it all, I want to be back in my small two bedroom apartment where no one knew who I was. But even that wouldn't be the same anymore now that he knew where it was. OK, I'm getting a little ahead of myself.

This morning as I was getting ready, I was starting to feel a little excited to go back to my old town for a couple days. I was happy that I'd finally get to show Alexis about all the places I told her about on our many walks through this town. Of course, she probably wouldn't remember it but that's why I had the camera, to capture all of our activities so we could look at them later.

I was also excited to see some of the staff that my parents employed, for most of my life they were more parental to me than my own parents. I couldn't wait to see Willa, my parents cook, to hear her stories again. And Henry, my parents driver, he was an unwilling participant to many of my less than graceful childhood moments.

I was waiting anxiously by the door for my buzzer to go off, and when it did I didn't bother to check who it was because my father only trusted one man to drive his family around and that was Henry. After buzzing Henry through, I ran to my door, flung it opened and waited at the top of the steps for him. Only he didn't show. In my wildest dreams I never would have expected to see the person who rounded the corner and looked up at me from the bottom of that last set of stairs.

"You aren't Henry!" I stated.

He chuckled, "No Amber I'm not." I stared in shock as I watched Reed take the steps to bring him closer to me, closer to Alexis. I wanted to run but I was frozen to that one spot.

He was now standing directly in front of me but one step down, "Aren't you going to say hello?"

"No!" I screamed as I ran back to my apartment and tried to close the door on him but he was too fast for me and too strong.

"Amber, this is crazy. Get away from the door before you hurt yourself."

"Go to hell!" I screamed at him.

He just chuckled, "Darling I've already been there. Now let me in before your neighbours call the cops. You don't really want to have to explain my arrest to your father, do you?"

I almost told him I didn't care, that I was willing to do anything I could to get rid of him. But at that moment Alexis whined and with a glance over my shoulder I could see a look on her face I never wanted to see, she was scared.

I stepped back from the door and let him in.


Anonymous said...

Now it makes me wonder what was the purpose for Reed to pick her up. Great blog. You have me intrigued.

Anonymous said...

oooooahhhh see some very good drama coming on!!!! gooooddd...


Anonymous said...

ohhh, i cant wait to see how this goes :):):):):):)

Anonymous said...

He changed that fast huh?