Monday, August 6, 2007

Spreading The Good Word

When I told Reed that Alexis and I wanted to move into the house, he was overjoyed to say the least. Actually his first question, after he made me tell him about twenty times that 'yes, we want to live with you', was 'can we wake Alexis up now? can we move you in now?' Of course, he was only kidding, at least I think he was kidding! Although I'm betting if I did say yes to him, he would've ran and woke her up.

I spent a good half hour that night sitting on the couch watching him bounce around the living room with the phone in his hand as he called everyone he knew to tell them that I was moving in with him - even his father.

Pretty much the conversation with his father went like this from his side.

"She's moving in with me!" He said the second his father answered the phone. "It's Reed!"
"Yes! Amber! She told me just now! I'm so happy dad!" He listened for a while, smiling the whole time. "Ok dad. I'll talk to you later - what? oh yeah, sure." At this point he came over and gave me a kiss. "Yes! Isn't it great mom? I can't believe it myself, I didn't think this would ever happen! Uh huh...yeah...yeah...ok...yeah ok...ok I'll tell her. Bye mom, have a good night."

When he hung up the phone, before he started to dial another number, I reached out and grabbed the phone from him. "I have to tell my parents before you tell anyone else! Otherwise your parents will beat to me it and my parents will be upset."

"I don't think so," he plopped down beside me and grabbed the phone from me. "I'll call them!" He dialed my parents number and held the phone to his ear. "It's ringing," he told me. "Ring...ring...rin - oh hey Carl!" Reed turned a little red and then said, "Amberneedstotellyousomething," before shoving the phone at me.

What did my father think I had to tell him?

Why that I was pregnant of course!

"No!" I exclaimed when he told me that he wasn't ready to be a grandfather again and asked me if I was pregnant. "It's not that, I just...well..." I didn't realize that it would be this hard to tell him that I was moving in with Reed. "See the thing is..."

"Amberlynn, if you aren't pregnant then there's no reason to be worried about telling me what's on your mind."

I sighed, "Well I didn't think it would be but I don't want you to be upset."

"Upset?" My dad repeated. "Why would I be upset?"

"Well I just..." Reed took my hand in his and I turned towards him, he looked worried, as if I would change my mind. Taking a deep breath I told my father that I was grateful for all the love and support he and my mother gave me since I've come back. "But dad I think it's time for me to move on to the next phase of my life, my future with Reed. I just told him that Alexis and I want to move in to the house with him; we want to be a family."

My dad was silent for a while.

"Dad?" Reed gave my hand a squeeze. "Dad please say something? Anything?"

It seemed like a couple more minutes passed by before he said, "Amberlynn if you told me this a couple months ago I would've been upset because you really weren't ready to take that step; that's why I offered you the guest house for as long as you wanted it. In the last couple months, you've grown, become your own person. I'm so proud of the young lady you are today; your mother and I are both really proud of what you've done for yourself and for Alexis." My dad paused for a second and then said. "I believe that you are ready for this step."

"Thank you dad," I smiled and handed the phone to Reed because dad wanted to talk to him.

"Hello?" Reed listened for the longest time and finally he said. "Yes sir, I, of course not." He gave me a smile as I wrapped my arms around him and rested my head on his shoulder. "Yes, we will sir...very soon."

When he hung up the phone, I asked what my dad said. "He told me that if I hurt you, he would ruin me."

I grinned, "Well we don't have to worry about that."

By the time the night ended, everyone who mattered to us, knew that we were going to be living together soon.

Most of the weekend was spent packing up all of our stuff and moving it to the house.

Reed wants to have a house warming party now that Alexis and I are living there with him but I don't know. Can you still have a house warming party if one of the people have been living in the house for a while? I don't know...maybe I should brush up on my 'housewarming' rules.

In other news, the night that Reed called his father to tell him our news, was the same night that Lucinda met with Roger for the first time since she left. She told me yesterday that she decided to take a page from my book, give Roger a second chance but still keep her place. "I love him," she told me. "I don't want to get a divorce nor do I want to be without him but he hurt me when he said he didn't marry for love so I'm making him prove he loves me before I take him back!"

I really hope that it works out for them because I know Reed is worried about the status of his parent's relationship; I think he's afraid that one day that will be us. I take every chance I get to tell him I love him and why. Just last night I told him that I loved the way he crinkled his forehead at me whenever I say something that sounds a little crazy.

And what did he do?

He crinkled his forehead and gave me the 'you're crazy' look.


EJ said...

WOOOOO! FIRST!!! YAY!! Good post

Carmel Beauty said...

Aww EJ thought I was going to be first Anywho I was wondering about Reed's mom and dad so I am glad you filled us in good post

Anonymous said...

sweet entry


Anonymous said...

What about Devon and Janie.....when will hear some more about what's happening with them?!?!?!

ctiger said...

Great post. So glad your dad was okay with your decision. It always makes things better when daddy "approves" even when you are old enough to make your own decisions.


Funky Pseudonym said...

I'm so glad things seem to be going better for Amber and her dad. I gotta admit though, there have been alot of happy/feel-good posts (which I adore!) BUT life isn't always happy and feel good and Angela seems to enjoy getting her readers nice and comfy before pulling the rug out!! LOL!

Things seem to be going TOO well right now, so I'm waiting for something big to blow up!

Thanks for posting, LOVE your writing!

Anonymous said...

the thing thats going to blow up is that they are going to find out who the mystery caller is!...and it has to be penny i swear it does..we havent heard from her in like forever and shes "calling in sick" all the time! so its got to be her!

Anonymous said...

I'm still gonna call it as Faith. She just had "evil skank" written all over her.

Vikki said...

Good post. Reed is so excited! I'm sure Alexis is going to be so happy to be living with her da-da!
I wonder what affect this will have on the harlot caller...Can't wait to find out.

Anonymous said...

vikki---"harlot caller"?! LOL! Too funny!

Lynn said...

Glad that they are moving in together. Good post. I appreciate that the drama isn't always Reed and Amber. Angela has done such a good job of making the other characters lives just as interesting, and I care about their drama just as much

The Middle Child said...

Awwwww, happy happy!!!

Anonymous said...

Woo hoo, woo hoo hoo!!

Woo hoo, woo hoo hoo!!

Now give some DETAILS...Wink,wink!!!


Anonymous said...

Is everything ok?