Thursday, October 4, 2007

So Many Plans, Why Did I Say 'Yes'?

Reed told me a long time ago to stop butting into every one's affairs but I'll be damned if I didn't do it again; this time though, I think Janie might get really mad at me because of it.

See, the other night when I went out with Janie, she told me that she was ready to give up on Devon and I tried to talk her out of it but she still seemed more likely to give up on him than to talk to him about what was bugging her.

I know, I know! She did say she would talk to him and she has been thinking about what she really wants from him but...I don't know, I guess I figured I could help her.

Yes, I do read all her posts and I know she'll end up reading this one but I just had to tell someone what I did.

It's not like it was earth changing but it was meddling. I want to say that I'm only trying to help her like she thought she was helping me when she deleted Reed's emails from my account but would that be seen as me just 'getting' back at her? God I hope not! That's not that I was trying to do, I just wanted to help.

And I didn't think that she, from what she told me before she was to meet Devon last night, was ready to really talk to him; she seemed to be little upset and I didn't want things to end without her giving it her best shot.

I know she loves him and I know he loves her! None of you see the way he is when he's thinking about her; no one hears the feelings in his voice when he's talking about her. I just wish that he was able to say all the things he says to Reed and to me, to her! I don't know why he holds back when she's right in front of him!

He says that his life would be empty without her, he tells us that she makes him want to be the 'good' guy, they man he believes she deserves to spend the rest of her life with!

I don't think he's just talking out of his butt here! I really don't!

Which lead me to drag Reed out to the restaurant Janie and Devon went too and butt in on their night!

I know! It was horrible for me to do that! Reed got mad at me when we got home, after I told him why I wanted to go there, he asked me to promise him that I would never do that again. "Amber they have to make their own mistakes! You can't just butt in whenever you don't like what's going on, they are adults and you should respect their choices, even when you don't agree with them."

He's right, I know he is. And I hate it when he's right.

But it didn't stop me from telling Devon to smarten up or risk losing Janie.

He told me something along the same lines Reed did, he told me to get my nose out of his life, he knows what he's doing.

I think he's going to lose Janie. I don't see her staying with him if he's not giving her the attention she wants when there are a couple other guys who are interesting in giving her all the attention she could ever want.

That's right, I did say two.

I don't think Cary is completely over Janie, even if she says they are just friends.

And I know Colin was disappointed when I told him that Janie had a boyfriend yesterday after he hinted around that he would like to have her number.

Now, what's going on with me?

Well when you look at Janie's life, mine is soooo boring! But I wouldn't have it any other way. Despite a few small arguments every now and then, Reed and I are doing great, which I'm sure you all know from Janie's entry the other day! I'm still blushing about that whole 'trying' comment of his. I love him so much.

Alexis is moving around with great freedom, getting into everything if we don't keep an eye on her; I'm starting to wonder why I encouraged her to walk. I mean, now she's walking, what's next? Going out and staying out all night? Bringing home strange boys? Giving her dad and me gray hairs long before our time?

Ok, ok. I know she's only 14 months old and won't be doing any of that for a few years yet but still, I miss the days where she would look to me for everything. I don't want my baby to grow up! It's happening way too fast! I told Reed the other day that I blame him for her independent streak; he laughed and told me that she got that one from me.

With the sense of lost I have now that Alexis isn't as dependant, I have been thinking about having more children but I know it's probably not the best time to even start - and Reed's grandmother would have a cow, she tells me she's ready for it, as soon as we get married. She's a nice lady and I love her but I don't know if I am willing to wait that long - Reed hasn't even mentioned marriage to me in a long time, I don't even know if he wants that anymore.

Speaking of marriage, there will be 'wedding' in the next couple months in Reed's family - his parents are renewing their vows at the end of November - it seems that things have heated up between Lucinda and Roger since Lucinda moved back in; in her words, "I never knew Roger was such an animal!"

Ewwwwww! I cringe every time she tells me that! But I am really happy for them, they seem to be working out all the issues they had and Roger does seem to be getting friendlier in this new relationship he has with Lucinda - a couple days ago he actually complimented me, he told me I've done a great job raising Alexis, she's the 'perfect granddaughter'.

I wanted to tell him it was about time he got his head out of his ass and saw that but I didn't. I'm just happy that he seems to have finally accepted that we are here to stay.

And now, Sean.

Sean has an open invitation to our home anytime he wants it; he hasn't taken us up on that one too often but he does come over for supper at least once a week. He tells me that he's still trying to find his place in our family but he misses his family.

Because I'm the coolest sister-in-law a man could ever have (according to Sean) I've invited all his family up here to meet us and spend Thanksgiving here; his sister, Rae, suggested it one night when I was talking to her through IMs. For the most part, his family has agreed to come, they'll be here on Saturday until Tuesday morning; I have hotel rooms booked for all of them - even the ones who aren't sure if they'll be here or not. Sean doesn't know anything about this, he thinks everyone has forgotten about him; it breaks my heart not to be able to tell him that they are coming to see him but they want to surprise him so what can I do?

SO with a houseful of strangers about to descend on us, I have a lot of stuff to do.


The Middle Child said...

You are entirely too busy a girl to be butting in on Janie and Devon.... maybe they just weren't meant to be? Maybe Colin will step up and be the man she wants and needs...

I can't wait to see where this goes.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Amber should propose to Reed.

Anonymous said...

If Amber is ready for marriage, she needs to tell Reed. He's respecting her wishes and backed off the whole "rushing into togetherness" thing. How's he supposed to know that she's finally ready unless she TELLS him. Go for it Amber!! I would love to read a wedding post!

Vikki said...

That is sooo sweet of Amber to help plan that with Rae. I'm sure Reed wants to marry her still. Maybe Amber can hint around about it -IF SHE'S REALLY READY TO SAY YES!! I'm sure he'll ask. As for Janie and Devon, Maybe middle child is right again. Or, maybe Devon just needs a little healty competition in the form of Colin... We'll see!

Anonymous said...

Oh, and just to add to my previous commnet, Devon makes me crazy (in a good way!) lol. From Janie's perspective, he's a pretty big ass. But from Amber's perspective, he's awesome and just doesn't know how to show it to the ppl he loves most!

Anonymous said...

maybe he has a split personality?

Anonymous said...

From the title I thought 2 things, either Janie said she'd move in w/Devon, or Amber said YES to Reed's proposal. Amber has her friends best interest at heart, but Janie and Devon are afterall adults and it's their relationship.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that Amber did the post. I really miss reading from her prospective :)

Anonymous said...

i think that mayb sean and janie should hook up? just a thought tho i dont noe if im ready to give up devon just quite yet:P

ctiger said...

Wow a whole house full for Thanksgiving. I know where your coming from except mine were not strangers. We had 40 people at our very small house 2 years ago for Thanksgiving. The only reason i even agreed is becasue we had just finished our pole barn w/cement floor and that is where we had it. It was great. Both my family and step family and my fiances extended family. Hope it all works out. But it sounds like a whole lot of extra work on your part. But good for you for trying to do something wonderful for Sean.
