Saturday, August 18, 2007

Running Around And Round And Round

I would love to post a nice long post about the reunion between Reed and Sean but my little shithead - that's Reed's new name today - just told me that oh! guess what darling? I'm having a party for you tonight and well, I forgot to do these last minute things that are going to take all day if I do them myself. Would you be a dear and help me? Please? I'll love you forever!

Ok, that's not exactly what he said but it's damn close! I can't believe he was planning a 'surprise' birthday party for me! And now I have to go and help him finish all the details because he's a guy.

Oh that just so you know, this isn't really a mean spirited post. I am really really happy that my man loves me and wanted to surprise me and I have no problems helping him with the finer details because I believe I was drunk with his mom while he was finishing up the Canada Day prep and I was really really mad at him on his birthday which caused him to go out and get plastered. I guess you can say that I should be thankful that he wanted to do something special for me after all we've been through.

I love him so much, maybe if I get a chance, I'll show him just how much before the day is out! Wouldn't that be hot? Pre -birthday love making! Sign me up!


MonkeySpeak said...

lol funny, i usually only all a guy im seeing shithead when im kidding around too - its never actually come out in anger...

ctiger said...

LOL i call mine asshole. Just because. Anyway great last few posts, as usual!! I just got back from a camping trip and caught up. I so love both blogs. Can't wait for more details on Sean and Reed. Oh and the party. Who did Chris bring???? Oh the questions. LOL. Thanks for sharing your talent with us.


The Middle Child said...

We want to hear all about it!

Miss Asia said...

You have a REALLY good story going here. I have enjoyed reading/catching up on it.

The Middle Child said...

Lovin' the new look!