Monday, August 13, 2007

Wound Up

I wish I had more answers about the guy Penny thought was Reed. I mean hell, I have so many questions! Despite what Reed says, I'm certain that his parents had to have had another child before him. Possibly before they were even married because why else would they have given him up?

I had to stop asking Reed if he spoke to his mother because he was getting really irritated. I guess I don't really blame him, I know I would be irritable if I found out that my parents might have had another baby besides me.

I guess I'll find out more tonight, Reed asked his mom over for supper. "I want to ask her about it when dad isn't around," he told me last night. "I don't know if this guy is my..." he stopped dead.

"Don't know if this guy is what Reed?"

"My brother," he croaked. "He could be my brother..." Reed stared wide eyed at me. "I could have a sibling that I didn't even know about. How could my parents not tell me? Why would they..." he collapsed into the arm chair, he seemed unable to string together a complete sentence.

"Reed?" I knelt in front of him and held his hands. "Until you talk to your mom, you don't really know if this guy could be related to you. Maybe Penny was just trying to mess us up and just happened to have a guy over the other night."

"And he just happened to sound like me?"

I shrugged, "Maybe I thought he sounded like you because she was claiming..."

"I would never cheat on you!" He told me forcefully. "I love you with all my heart Amber; there will never be another woman who could take your place." He tugged on my hands until I rose from my knees and sat in his lap. "You have to know that Amber, you have to know how much you mean to me."

"I do Reed, I knew she was full of it. I told her over and over again that you loved me and would never cheat on me."

I'm not sure how long we sat in that arm chair last night but it seemed to help him get a handle on his emotions. "I hope mom has some answers," he told me.

In other news, Janie and Devon tried to get Reed and I to join them for dinner the other night but with everything that happened Reed told Devon that we would have to pass. "I can't talk about it just yet," I heard him tell Devon. "But when I know more, I'll be looking for a friend to unload onto." I'm not sure what Devon said but Reed laughed.

So that's all I know at this moment. I have a meeting with Charlie after work today, it's supposed to be my 60-day evaluation - well it's a couple weeks late but that's ok. I told Reed that I was thinking about giving my notice because I couldn't stand to work with Penny after what she did.

He got mad. "Don't you dare let that tramp take away something you've been dreaming about your whole life! You love it there darling, you can't just quit! Think about it some more and talk to Charlie before you decide to leave."

"But what about if Penny -"

"What if she what?" He asked.

"What if she continues to do this?"

"If she's smart, she wouldn't. She's already made a fool of herself, I don't think she'll try again."

I know I shouldn't let her get to me but it was a big thing, to go get involved with someone she thought was Reed. How did I get on the top of her list of people to 'destroy'? I wasn't mean to her. Why do people try to hurt innocent people? And why would she do that when she knew we have a child together? Are people really that cruel?

Anyway, I'll let you all know what happens with Charlie and Lucinda.


Anonymous said...

I will be on pins and needles until the dinner with Lucinda!

Love this blog!

The Middle Child said...

We will be waiting, good post... leavin' us hanging again!

Anonymous said...

I really think Amber should talk to her supervisor about Penny. And if Penny continues to harrass her, then she should go to the police.

I love that Reed called Penny a tramp, LOL! And I feel really bad for him. That's really got to be messing with his head that he might have a brother.

Anonymous said...

What do you want to bet that she'll give us just a tad of information to make us salivate for more and then leave a cliffhanger until the next post??!!

LOL, love this blog!!!!!

MonkeySpeak said...

If anything Penny would get fired for harrassment and because she wouldnt be a good person to have around children.

Anonymous said...

"I know I shouldn't let her get to me but it was a big thing, to go get involved with someone she thought was Reed. How did I get on the top of her list of people to 'destroy'? I wasn't mean to her. Why do people try to hurt innocent people? And why would she do that when she knew we have a child together? Are people really that cruel?"

those are some really good questions that I would love to know the answer to, too...

ctiger said...

Wow can't wait to hear all about the dinner with Lucinda. What a great twist. Funny how he suddenly appears. Great post.


Anonymous said...

Come on people - Penny is obviously ill. She has some sort of mental problem or sickness that affects her head. If she was in her right mind - she wouldn't have the nerve to even show up at work, much less face Amber!

Anonymous said...

yes, mental problems with Penny. Helloooooooo, can anyone not see that she should NOT be working in a daycare with CHILDREN? I said it before and I'm sayin it again

Anonymous said...

shes a crazy crazy woman thats all i have to say!..jeez not a good person to have around children!!!!!!...hopefully her illness will not affect reed and ambers relationship...really curious to see if reed has a brother?!?!?! wow that would be a great , unexpected twist!!!!!!!

Mehreen said...

I thought Penny had a hot boyfriend! Amber should conference him in next time Penny calls!

Anonymous said...

Back in June, when everyone went out together, Penny showed up with a boyfriend named Colin. There was no mention of how much he looked like or sounded like Reed, so either she has a new guy or they never noticed it.

Penny is sick - she needs help.

Vikki said...

I can't wait to read what happens next!!! Could Reed have an older brother who is jealous that Reed was the "claimed" child and could be trying to destroy what he has... I'm just speculating :^)

Lynn said...

I can't wait to find out what/who it is.