Monday, August 20, 2007

Morning Events

I got the best wake up this morning. Well it was the best wake up that didn't involved Reed doing something to my naked body. Maybe it wasn't the best but it certainly was an interesting one.

I was on my back, I didn't know why I was on my back, I sleep on my side and normally wake up on my stomach but this morning I was on my back. I went to turn towards Reed and I heard giggling. My eyes shot open and I jumped a little as I stared into the eyes of my little girl. "Hey snuggle," I wrapped my arm around her, pulling her tight to me. "Where is your daddy?"

Alexis smiled, "Dada!" She turned to point behind her but Reed wasn't there. "Dada?" She wiggled out of my grasp and crawled to the edge of the bed where a single rose was sticking up just beyond the end of the mattress. "Dada?" Alexis peered over the edge of the bed and giggled.

"What is your daddy doing?" I asked Alexis as I joined her. I laughed when I looked over the edge and saw Reed laying on the floor holding the rose up in the air. "What are you doing?"

He gazed at me for a while before saying, "I'm trying to win you over."

"Win me over?" I frowned. "Didn't you already win me over?"

"That was when you were 19," he told me as he handed me the rose he held. "Now that you are 20, I have to start all over again."

"You're such a goof!" I took the rose and smiled down at him. "Don't you think that you'd win me over quicker if you were up here with me?"

"A gentleman never enters a lady's bed uninvited," he stated while he pushed himself up off the floor.

I raised a brow. "And what about the gentleman who has an open invitation to join this lady in bed anytime he wishes?"

"An open invitation?" I nodded. "Well in that case!" Reed jumped onto the bed. "Hello my love," he gave me a quick kiss on the lips.

I waited until he was settled next to me. "So what were you really doing on the floor?"

Reed laughed, "I was hiding. Alexis wanted to be a big girl and wish you a Happy Birthday by herself."

"Really?" I glanced at Alexis, she was still looking over the edge of the bed. "Then why is she...?"

Reed turned to Alexis, laughing. "Come here Princess!" He grabbed her by the sides and plopped her down on my lap. "You forgot our deal, didn't you? You were supposed to distract mommy while I -" he bent over the side of the bed and felt around for something. "Ah ha!" He smiled at me, sat up again and presented me with a gift wrapped box. A horribly wrapped, gift wrapped box. I guess he saw my expression because he chuckled and told me that Alexis wanted to help wrap the gift. "I don't think she's going to be a professional gift wrapper darling."

I gave both of them a kiss before asking what was in the box. "Darling you have to open it," Reed told me as he snuggled up next to me. "Mmmm, you smell delicious this morning." He began to nibbled at my neck. "Definitely better with age," he murmured.

"Reed!" I went to say more but I heard a rip. I turned to look down at my lap where Alexis was sitting with her hands over her mouth as she looked up at me. "You opened mommy's present!" I laughed. She actually only ripped a little hole in the one corner but still it was funny.

"That means hurry up mommy!" Reed nudged me, "Come on darling, open it up."

It took a little longer than normal to open the box because Alexis was 'helping' with the wrapping paper but once that was off, she wasn't interested anymore, I was though. Under the wrapping paper was a plain white box, I glanced at Reed, he just nudged me again. Alexis had crawled off my lap onto Reed's once she got the paper, so I set the box on my lap to lift the lid off it. Removing the lid, I saw plain white tissue paper, still not giving me a hint to where he bought whatever was in the box. Pushing back the tissue paper, I stared at the item in the box. "REED!" I stared at him.

"What?" He frowned, looking into the box. "What's wrong? You haven't even looked at it yet!"

"How could you? With Alexis in the room?"

"Amber! It's not like she knows what it is! Just pull it out and tell me if you like it." He seemed a little hurt that I reacted like I did and I guess I didn't really blame him.

"I'm sorry," I told him as I picked up the white sheer mesh babydoll with pink ribbon accents at the bust oh and the matching thong. "It's very..." I turned to him, pulled it completely out of the box, "What do you -" clunk! "What was that?" My head snapped back to the box I just emptied, or I thought I emptied; there was another smaller box sitting on the bottom of the box. "Reed what is...?"

He gave me a smile, "Open it Amber."

I dropped the babydoll into my lap so I could reach for the other box. While I was doing that, Reed lifted the one strap of the babydoll up to my shoulder, groaning softly. "I think it'll look amazing on you."

One look at him and I forgot about the other box. "You think so?" I picked the babydoll up by both straps and held it against my body. "Can you see me wearing this for you?"

He gave me a look that told me everything I needed to know; not only could he see me in it, he was dying to see me in it. "Maybe I'll model it for you tonight?"

He nodded eagerly and then added, "And that too."

I glanced back at the box I had forgotten. "This too?" He nodded as I picked it up. The box reminded me of a necklace box but it was a little shorter than you would expect but I knew it had to be jewelry. Once again I found myself lifting a lid and pushing back tissue paper, only in this case there was also some cotton to push aside. "Oh my!" I gasped, "Reed..." I didn't know what to say as I lifted the silver ID anklet from its box.

"What do you think Amber?"

"I..." I was at a lost for words.

"Did you see what it says?" He asked me.

Holding the anklet closer, I saw the tiny heart on the one end and my name, "AmberLynn". Turning it over in my hand, I smiled when I read the really small print on the back, "My heart, my soul, my darling BerryLynn."

"Oh Reed!" I threw my arms around his neck and cried. Seriously, huge tears were rolling down my cheeks as he hugged me tight, whispering in my ear the words he had engraved on the back of the anklet.

That was this morning. I wanted to stay in bed with him all day but we both had to get up and get ready for work. Before he left he made me promise that I'll model both for him soon and he was nice enough to tell me that I didn't have to model them together!


So let's see. My party on Saturday was a blast. Reed invited all my friends and we had a BBQ. I found out that this was the party Chris called about, he showed up with An - Kelly. I have to say I was shocked and so was everyone else apparently but they seemed really good together, Chris was very attentive to Kelly, getting her food and drinks whenever he thought she needed it. The one time that I did manage to pull Kelly away from him, she couldn't stop rambling about how wonderful he has been to her. "I didn't think I would ever find someone who would make me feel so special," she told me. "But Chris," she sighed happily. "He's wonderful!"

I'm glad that they are happy and I hope that they are together for a long time to come. I don't really know what's going to happen in regards to all the plans that Devon had made for Kelly - the house and helping her financially like his parent's had promised her when they conned her into marrying him - I don't see Chris, if they are together for a while, letting another man take care of her like that. Then again, I guess it's really not any of his business, is it?


The other night when I ran into Sean at the mall...

I really don't know what to say about it, it was strange. Even Reed said afterwards that it was strange meeting Sean. It wasn't bad or anything like that, I think it was just not knowing he was out there and then boom! he's there and not going anywhere.

Sean wants to meet his parents and Reed wants to be there when he does, he thinks that Sean's appearance in his parents life right now is probably the one thing they need.

I'm not really sure why Reed thinks that, all I know is that we are having dinner tomorrow night with Reed's parents, his grandmother and Sean. Reed's grandmother came down last night after Roger called her to tell her about Sean.

They all seem really happy to be meeting him and from what Reed tells me from his many phone conversations with Sean since they met, Sean is nervous about finally meeting his parents. "It's strange," Reed told me last night. "Sean told me that he never thought he would actually find his family."

I guess I should say, the reason Sean hasn't met anyone but Reed yet, is because Reed wanted to make sure that he was really who he said he was. After the police check and the DNA test, Reed is convinced that Sean is truly his the identical looks couldn't point that one out!


Anonymous said...

sigh... reed is..... amazing...!! (bigger sigh)

The Middle Child said...

Nice update! Nice birthday wake up!!!
Yay for Reed being the best boyfriend and getting the little one to wake her up like that.

Some men acutally do have imagination... oh yeah, that's right, he's fictional... oh well, a girl can dream!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for wrapping everything up!

Vikki said...

You rock Amber!! Good post

Miss Asia said...

Where's my Reed?!?! He's great!

Anonymous said...

im asking the exact same question..wheres my reed?!?!? lol wonder if seans the same way?

Miss Asia said...

Good question Anon 12:35pm...Is Sean like Reed???

Lynn said...

That was a great post. How did Chris happen to hook up with Kelly. I am glad they are together since it will make it easier for Devon to get back with Janie. Reed is great.
Angela you are a great writer!

Anonymous said...

hey, since the Reeds appear to be duplicating, could we all have one?
Mail me mine! :P

MonkeySpeak said...

wow, intense new layout - only thing is, there is no jump to view? i liked that.

Anonymous said...

i am digging the new layout...yay!

Anonymous said...

nice layout... but what about a new post???

Anonymous said...

cool background!

Anonymous said...

Not sure I like the new site. It seems to give my computer problems, it's locked up and seems alot slower getting the site up.

Anonymous said...

New page....its not bad but you need adjust the colors if you can, its hard to see some of them, they blend together.

Great story, I can't wait to find out what is the story with the new brother. Reeds dad accepted this that quickly or did I miss something?? I would think he'd be pretty upset she never told him.

Anonymous said...

The new layout is nice, but I'd like to make two suggestions: 1) The colors are too similar for those of us with less than perfect vision. 2) I can't find the link to your other blog on the new layout - I used to click the link to go back and forth between them.
BTW, nice post. :)

Anonymous said...

New layout cuts off part of the text causing me to turn my favorites off (or scroll right, then left, right, then left), which is just annoying. VFTC doesn't do that though. Any chance you can fix?

ctiger said...

Great post. Would have liked a little more about the party, but if all went well then there isn't much to tell. Can't wait to hear about the dinner where everyone meets Sean. I feel the drama coming on. Sean being older and not around i think Reed is going to end up getting the shaft for a while with his parents. Can't wait to see what is around the corner.

As for the new page. It is cool but a little distracting. Keep up the great work Angela.
