Thursday, April 19, 2007

Best Friends Are The Greatest - When They Aren't Backstabbing You

I knew that I probably shouldn't forgive her but I did. "Janie, I hate that you felt that you couldn't tell me about it, I hate that you went into my mail and deleted Reed's messages."

"I'm so sorry Amber," Janie's sobs started to subside, "I knew I shouldn't have believed Devon but...there's no excuse."

I told her I was changing my password, and if she ever did anything like that again, I would kick her ass. We talked for a little longer before she had to go.

When I hung up, I was so mad still and I needed to lash out at someone. Glancing at the clock on the wall, I was surprised to see that it was almost noon. I don't want to take this out of Reed, he's innocent in this one. Picking up the phone, I punched the number pad so hard that I swear it would cry if it was human.

He answered on the second ring, which was a good thing, I was mad enough. If I got voice mail, I probably would've flipped. We said hello and he seemed surprised to hear my voice, he started to ask what I was doing and I cut him off.

"I don't know what your problem is, or was with me and frankly I don't care. But if you ever pull shit like that again, you'll be sorry."

"Whoa! Hold your horses lady," Devon chuckled. "What are you ranting about?"

"I spoke to Janie just now," I told him.

"Oh really? And what did Janie say?" He was choosing his words, I knew he knew what Janie said.

"What is your problem with me Devon?"

"I don't have a problem with you Amber," he stated. "I just don't think Reed is right for you."

It was my turn to laugh, "And who is Devon? You?"


"No! Never! Why on earth would you think I would consider you? If Reed and I broke up on our own, I would never ever be with you. Never!" I was yelling, I knew it but just the thought of being with Devon creeped me out.

"I'm not that bad Amber," he was getting defensive.

I rolled my eyes, "What the hell does that have to do with the fact that you tried to get him to believe I was a whore and you caused him to miss out on his daughter's life up to this point? Did you even stop to think about what you were doing? Did you once think at all?"

"Of course I thought!" He started to raise his voice. "I saw what a sad mess Reed was when you left and I couldn't believe that he let you do that to him. I was tired of hearing him moan about losing you when you know as well as I do that Reed isn't man enough to handle you; you would've dumped his ass before the baby was even born."

I couldn't believe this guy and the low opinion he had of me. I was always faithful to Reed and I never once thought he wasn't good enough for me. Most of the time, I wondered how I got so lucky to have him in my life. "You know nothing you lying son of a b****! Reed was and still is man enough to handle me, and he's fantastic at it too! Nothing you've done or ever will do, can change the fact that I'm his. So get used to it, I'm not going anywhere!"

I heard the apartment door close and I jumped.

Turning slowly, I faced Reed.

"Amberlynn, who are you talking too?" His expression was difficult to read, I didn't know how long he was standing there or what he heard.

Reed leaned over to place Alexis on the floor before they both made their way over to me. "Who's on the phone?" He asked as his hand gripped the receiver. Alexis happened to pull on his pants when he placed the phone to his ear, so he was looking at her when he said 'hello?' into the receiver.

Devon must not have said anything at first because Reed asked if anyone was there and listened for a moment before his head snapped up and he looked at me. "Devon? What the hell is going on?"


Anonymous said...

OMG! The plot thickens! Love the layout, by the way. A little calm for you, but I like it! :-)
I say dump Janie, let Reed punch out Devon, tell Chris it's been nice, and the happy little family ride off into the sunset....

Anonymous said...

yeahhhhhhhh double bouble posting!!! so happy!!!

Agree with catrina in every single word lol...

Girl you rock!!!


Anonymous said...

drama drama drama! I love it!

Anonymous said...

You can't just have them ride off in the sunset this soon! What we Amber have to write about if all was roses?
Thanks for the double post, and the cliffhanger... Now we have to wait until tomorrow (sigh).
Glad she was confronting Devon. Want to know more about this situation!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the double post days. You rock:) This is getting good. I wonder what Reed will say to Devon and how much Reed heard!!

Anonymous said...

first of all. thank you so much for the double post. we all know how busy you are.a nd we really appreciate it.

wow. i agree with catrina 2. happily ever after family baby

Anonymous said...

amazing thank you for the great double post suprise.

Anonymous said...

my god, anna, i have never posted before, but i've been a faithful reader ever since you started this blog (love viewfromthischair too, but this one even - a lot- more), and i just have to say, you're an amazing writer! please don't ever stop - if you ever can't handle two blogs twice a day anymore, please don't stop, i'd be happy to read from you once a year:) but - please don't stop this either:) anyways, you're just fantastic! thank you for making my coffee/read breaks between work so awesome! mary ann

MJ said...

WOW double posts everywhere! and I thought we were lucky to get 2 for the other blog! I'm really glad that she decided to confront Devon. I think even if Reed and Amber get together now there will still be problems, no riding into the sunset right away. You still have her family and his family who can cause tons of problems for them, as well as other people in their lives (chris, devon, other people from the past, etc.). I just hope that them waiting to get together doesn't ruin things in the long run.

Anonymous said...

Also thank you for the double post on both! Something is still mighty fishy.....especially this Devon crap! I agree with mya - why didn't he pursue her if he was that into her? I'm thinking it could be what someone said the other day - maybe Devon wants Reed....would explain a lot more than him wanting Amber!


Anonymous said...

haha stacey...thats hilarious i never thought of that! I'm so excited for the next post! AND THANKS FOR THE DOUBLE POST IT WAS AWESOME!!! The highlight of my day ! lol .... i hope reed does kick Devon's ass ...he deserves it...and how is reed going to react with what he heard!?!!? hmm...can't wait! everytime i think of reed and his feelings towards amber i always think of this song...."if i was your man" by Joe ....this song i think this is completely how reed feels about amber! Listen to it and ull see!!!


Anonymous said...

Wow! Thanks for the double posts! On both of your blogs! Devon seems to really like playing mind games! What do you want to bet that he tried "putting the moves" on Amber when she and Reed were dating? Maybe that's where the "slut" rumor came in. Devon hit on Amber while she was dating Reed, she said no, and so Devon told Reed that she was a slut, to get back at her??? Seems plausable- we already know he cheated on Janie- maybe Devon told everyone that Amber was hitting on him- that would also explain Jainie's not being there for Amber. Would you want to talk to a friend who you thought was hitting on your man?


Mehreen said...

I had a little trouble following the beginning because of the typos, but I will read through gibberish to get this story right! Way to go Amber! I hope Reed heard her defending him. The words she said in anger were def said from heart, she's his!

Anonymous said...

Ok, what a great surprise this morning, my internet service at home was wacko yesterday so I didn't get to read any of the double posts until this morning.

WOW, ANNA, YOU ROCK!!!I just LUV, LUV this blog.

Way to go Anna on how you stuck up for yourself and REED, you know you luv him...and want to kiss him!!! Devon better watch out now!


Anonymous said...

i agree with the person above. devon def wants reed not amber. and thats prob why he had so many relationship problems with janie.

Amber said...

LOL...I totally thought I checked it for spelling! oops, I guess double posting when I'm half asleep isn't a good idea ~l~

Anonymous said...

haha spelling errors are minor if you want to double post then by all means do we love it. i didnt even notice any errors.

Anonymous said...

haha spelling errors are minor if you want to double post then by all means do we love it. i didnt even notice any errors.