Saturday, April 14, 2007

Driving Along In My Automobile

Reed called me around lunch yesterday to tell me that he wasn't able to get out of work early like he had hoped, so he wasn't sure if he would be here before Alexis went to sleep.

"I can try to keep her awake for you," I told him.

"Would you?" He sounded shocked that I would even think about that. I assured him that I would.

I avoided putting Alexis down at her usual time, I did every thing I could to keep her awake a while longer. It's needless to say that she was very very cranky when I finally did let her get her nap, two hours after her scheduled time.

Reed called me at 5 to tell me he was leaving the office and that he would see us in two hours. I told him to drive carefully, that we would still be here waiting for him no matter when he got here.

After I hung up the phone, I headed into the kitchen and started preparing supper. I was making BBQ ribs with rice and baked potatoes. Yes it is one of Reed's favourite meals but that's not why I made it.

Ok, yes it was. After my realization the day before about how much he is actually doing for Alexis and me, I thought that maybe I could be a little nicer to him. And he has to eat, right?

I had just put the ribs in the oven when he phoned me from the road. "Hey Amber, I might be a little late. There is a pretty bad accident on the highway, traffic is moving very slowly at the moment."

Again, I told him to drive safe. When I hung up the phone, I went to pull the ribs out of the oven again, they only took 45 mins to bake, so I didn't want them to be dry when he got here.

A half an hour later he called to tell me that he was past the accident and he should be here no later than 8. "Do you think Alexis will be still up at that time?"

I told him I didn't know but I would do my best to keep her up for him. Around 7, I expected to see Alexis showing signs of being tired but she was still full of energy as she played with her toys.

At 7:30, I put the ribs back in the oven to bake. I figured that would give Reed enough time to get here and spend a few minutes with Alexis before supper was ready.

Eight o'clock came and there was no sign of Reed, by eight thirty I was starting to freak out. I tried to call his cell phone but the recorded message 'I'm sorry the cellular customer you've dialed is away from their phone or is out of the service area' came on.

At nine o'clock Alexis started to whine and run her eyes, she was ready to go to sleep for the night, I had no choice but to put her to bed.

Nine thirty came and I was so worried about him, there was still no answer on his phone and I made the mistake of turning on the news only to find out there was another accident on the highway that he had to take.

In my panic I did something that I normally wouldn't do. I called his parents to see if they had heard from him. When I finally got Lucinda on the phone, I told her what I wanted.

"I'm sorry dear, I haven't heard from Reed since he left here this afternoon. I'm sure he's fine Amber, he's a good driver."

"I know I'm just worried, he was supposed to be here around eight. And the there's talk of another accident..." I bit my lip, I felt like I was going to cry. "I'm just worried," I repeated, my voice was very shaky.

"Oh Amber Lynn, dear please don't get worked up. That accident you just mentioned probably slowed him down."

I nodded, even though I knew she couldn't see me. "I just don't want anything bad to happen to him," I whispered. "How would I tell Alexis if something happened to him? How would I..?" My voice trailed off, I was about to ask her how I would cope if I lost him.

I don't know if she just wanted to take my mind off what was going on with Reed or if she truly wanted to know but she asked about Alexis; how she was, what she was up too and when we would be back to visit. "Alexis was so adorable and very well behaved when you were here for your parents anniversary. I was talking to Reed's grandmother just the other night, telling her about Alexis and she mentioned how she was going to visit us next month. I know she would just love to see her great granddaughter while she was here."

"I'll have to see Lucinda, Reed and I will talk about it." I went to say something else when I heard a key slip into my lock. "There's someone at my door," I told her.

"Who is it dear?"

I knew it could only be one person but I watched the door and waited. Slowly, it opened and Reed gave me this exhausted smile. "Hello Amber."

"Reed!" I dropped the phone and leaped towards him. His arms wrapped around me as my body crashed against his. "I was so worried," I buried my face against his chest and held him tight, and that's when the flood gates opened.


MJ said...


Anonymous said...

OMG, I don't know if I can wait for the next post. I think a double post might be in order, Please......


Anonymous said...

i agree with the double post !!!!!!

Anonymous said...

i fourth the double post decision!

Anonymous said...

DOUBLE POST! DOUBLE POST! plzzzz i have to see what happens!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

ummmm Amber *I* am sorta thinkg WE reallllly NEED a DOUBLE POST!!!!!!!!


thanks for the great blogs, both arw wonderful!

Lori NS in Wyoming

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, puh-lease double post! We're all greedy but we can't help it! Your writing is sooo addicting! =)

Anonymous said...

that was adorable!!!


Anonymous said...

I just wanted to tell you that, not only is the story wonderful, but you are also really wonderful for being so consistent with when you post!! Its awesome that you even post during the weekends!! Thank you!! :-)

Anonymous said...

omg that was soooo cute!!!! i loved it.. great work..

Anonymous said...

WOWEEEE! totally a double posting day! you know you want to! ;)

Mallory said...

how much longer are you going to leave us hanging?