Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Renewing Old Friendships

Last night when Reed got off from work, he came directly over to my place. I was a little surprised to see him standing on the doorstep when I opened the door. When I asked him why he was there he told me that he thought he could spend some time with me.

"I'm sorry," I told him. "I have plans and Alexis is at my parents' house for the night."

"Oh," he seemed surprised that I would have something to do with out him or Alexis. "You are going to be out all night?"

I shrugged, "I'm not sure how long I'll be out." I glanced down at the robe I was wearing. "I have to finish getting ready, my ride will be here in under an hour."

Reed asked if he could come in for a little while, I told him he could as I disappeared down the hall to my room. Slipping off my robe, I slipped into a matching light blue satin bra and panties before heading to the bathroom to finish drying my hair.

When I turned off the hairdryer, I turned to see Reed standing in my room, just outside the door that lead to the adjoining bathroom, he was watching me. He was wanting me. I felt subconscious as I left the bathroom and walked by him on my way to my closet.

Pulling a dark blue knee lenght skirt from a hanger, I slipped into it and went to reach for the shirt I was wearing with it when Reed's arms wrapped around my waist. "Hey," I chuckled. "I'm trying to get dressed here."

"I think you have more than enough on already," he groaned against my neck.

Laughing, I turned to face him. "I think I need a shirt on," I told him. "I don't want anyone to think I'm looking for attention while I'm out."

"There's no way I could convince you to stay home with me instead?"

"Mmm, you could." I kissed him, "You know you could but I don't think my date would be too happy if I blew them off."

Reed froze, "date?"

I nodded, "I have a girl date with Janie."

He laughed, "It's not a date unless you get a good night kiss!" When I told him you never know what can happen he got all serious. "Ok, if that happens, I want to see it!"

I like to say he helped me get ready for my date but he seemed more interested in getting me out of my clothes than letting me get dressed. I finally had to ask him to leave my room, "Go wait in the living room."

Janie came while I was finishing, I heard her talking to Reed as I went down the hallway. "Sorry," she told him with a laugh. "But tonight she's mine! You'll just have to get used to sharing her."

He laughed, "She may be going out with you tonight but she's mine; she told me so already."

"Hey now," I said as I entered the living room. "There's no need to fight over me, there's enough of me to go around."

"So what are you two ladies doing tonight?" Reed asked.

I went to tell him but Janie stopped me, "If you tell him he's only going to 'pop' up and act like he didn't know you were there."

Reed nodded, "I would. But who could blame me?" He turned to me, pulling me into his arms. "You look amazing my love."

"Thank you," I kissed his lips softly. "What are you going to do now that I'm not available?"

He shrugged, "I might go see what Devon is up to. See if he can get free of Annette tonight for a little while."

Behind Reed, I saw Janie rolled her eyes. "Come on Amber, let's go." She grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the door.

Janie and I went to the fanciest restaurant in town, she told me it was part celebration because of the new job and life I was starting. "I'm so happy to have you back," she said as she sipped on the wine she ordered. "I've been pretty miserable since you left, no one else seemed to really understand me like you did."

I told her I missed her too. "But you were going to ask Reed to sublet my old apartment to you. What changed your mind?"

"I was going to hide," she chuckled. "I'm so messed up it's not even funny. I thought if I focused my energy on someone else, I could forget about him." I didn't even need to ask, I knew she meant Devon. "But even Chris with his incredibly sexy smile couldn't get my mind off..." She sighed, "Not that I even had a chance, your name was always on his lips when ever he saw me anyway. I don't want to be the 'other' woman anymore Amber, I want to find a guy who loves me like Reed loves you." She took a mouthful of wine and forced it down, "Too bad he's an only child!"

I smiled, "Yeah sorry about that. Have you met anyone that you'd want to date?"

She told me about a couple different guys that flirted with her when she was involved with 'the jerk' as she loved to call Devon. "But I was blinded by stupidity and never gave them a second glance."

We spent the rest of dinner, checking out the men in the restaurant, especially the guy that was our waiter. He was about 5'11, dark hair, dark eyes and when he spoke he made the most ordinary things sound so hot. And he seemed interested in Janie, he kept calling her 'hun'. Which Janie tried to say was because he was a flirt but he never once looked in my direction and from what I saw, he didn't give any of the other ladies in the restaurant the looks he was giving Janie when she wasn't looking.

At one point, Janie got up to go to the bathroom. Not even five seconds after she left, Cary, the waiter came over to the table. "I have to ask you something," he said as he glanced over his shoulder towards the bathrooms. When I asked him what, he gave me a smile. "Is your friend seeing someone?" He frowned, "Of course she is." He said before I could answer, "She's very pretty, who wouldn't want to be with her."

"Well," I gave him a smile. "I'm not really sure if she is seeing anyone special." I didn't want to tell him Janie was single, "She's headed back this way, if you would like to ask her yourself."

Cary gave a little jump as he turned to see Janie coming towards us. When she got to the table, he nervously held her chair for her. "What's going on?" She asked me.

I glanced up at Cary and the boy looked like he was sweating. Oh my lord! I thought with a smile.

He soon excused himself, saying something about having to bring people to their food. "I mean bring people their food!" He walked away, his face as red as it possibly could get.

As soon as he was outta ear shot, I looked at Janie. "Some body's got an admirer!"

It took Cary up until Janie and I headed to the lobby to retrieve our coats to get the courage to approach Janie. "You forgot this," he said to Janie as he held out the black bill folder.

"No, we pa-" I elbowed Janie in the ribs and motioned for her to take it. She did. "Oh!" She exclaimed when she opened it and found his phone number written on a piece of paper. "Thank you," she smiled up at him. "I wouldn't want to have forgotten this at all!"

I excused myself to use the bathroom, even though I didn't need too. I wanted to give them a moment together. When I came back Janie was almost bouncing, she didn't waste any time getting to the car. "Oh my God! He's so..." she didn't finish that sentence, she just gave an excited squeal.

I made her give me the keys and I started to drive her home but she asked if we could go to my place. "I just don't want tonight to end!"

I laughed, "You just want to talk about Cary more!"

We ended up at my place and Janie stayed the night. It was almost like we were back in junior high again. It was so nice to spend time with her.


Anonymous said...

Awww...aren't friends just wonderful!!! :-)

Anonymous said...

Fun! I love girl nights!! Only thing though, is Janie older than Amber since she was drinking or am I mistaken and Amber is 21 one too?

Anonymous said...

I believe Amber is in Canada. The drink age ranges from 18 to 19 depending on the province.

Anonymous said...

God bless the drinking age in Canada! I went there when I was 19 and I felt like I was going to get in trouble!! hehe but it was legal...


Anonymous said...

Aw! Friends are awesome!

Anonymous said...

Thanks! I totally missed the part about this story taking place in Canada somewhere along the line!

Wow, 19 really?! That would've been awesome!

Anonymous said...

Hehe! I used to live in ND, and on weekends my friends and I would go up to Canada to drink. Gotta love the 18 yr drinking age!
Oh - and yay Janie for trying to move on from Devon!I hope that she and the "hot waiter" hit it off! Or atleast she gets a few dates out of him! And yay Amber for going out and doing something besides go out with Reed and Alexis! A girl needs her girlfriend time!


Anonymous said...

i'm sooo happy that things are workigng out between reed and amber! she sounds so happy!!!

Anonymous said...

Reed, Typical guy!!! Asking to watch any type of interaction between two girls!!! Things never change. LOL I am glad she didn't give up her plans with Janie to spend it with Reed.

Anonymous said...

i hope that this clicks in reeds head that amber has a life other than him so when they plan a date together he shouldnt take her to a fast food place and take her somewhere fancy!....i would what devon has to say about this...he is totally going to get jealous of janie and the hot waiter!...the waiter sounded so sweet gettin nervous and all...awww!

Anonymous said...

i live in BC and the drinkin age is 19 and its fantastic ....that most suck for americans to wait until their 21 to drink and lets face not many people wait until theyre 21 to drink anyways...

amber ur a godess...and im not even kidding i love to read ur blogs and im totally addicted! ...i just wanted to say that i appreciate that u post everyday and not only that ...that the post are FREAKIN' FANTASTIC! keep it up!

Anonymous said...

Friends are great. I just spent a weekend with my best friend, her and i had a fantastic time too. Gald Amber and Janie are getting back to old times. It is really important to do that. Keep up the great work. Love this blog.
