Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Life Gets Busy

It seems like so long since I wrote an entry here, even though it's only been a couple days. Things seem to be getting more and more crazy for me, not in a bad way, just between Alexis and Reed and work, it seems that my life is suddenly fuller than I ever hoped it would be.

So where to start?

How about the smallest person in my life who happens to be the biggest part of my life, Alexis. God she was so great yesterday! I thought that she would cling to me all day while I tried to work, I thought she would be very jealous when I was paying attention to the other kids but she was so good, I was so proud of her and so was Reed when I told him about our first day last night. I think he...wait, I'll get to him in a minute

At first Alexis wasn't sure what we were doing at the day care, she did stick to my side for the first half hour or so. But finally she realized that there were a lot of people that were willing to pay attention to her, she was the youngest and the newest so everyone had to come over and see her. She loved it! She sat there in her new pink short set and smiled at everyone who came over to talk to her. I think I was the one who was jealous! She kind of forgot about me for a while!

We seemed to fit in very nicely at the day care, the two other women that work with me seem really nice. They were very helpful when I had questions so that was good, I thought. I don't really want to talk about the technical work stuff because some of it can seem pretty boring but I love it all. Working with the kids is great, I can't wait for my shift to start today, I go in for nine.

Yesterday around 2 Devon showed up at work. I didn't realize he was there until the kids started screaming and running towards the entrance, they saw him. It was crazy there reaction to him, it was like the biggest name in children's entertainment just walked through the door! It would be as if Dora walked through the door at my house, Alexis loves Dora.

Once Devon was there, the kids pretty much ignored the other ladies and me, they all gathered around him, shooting a million questions at him all at once. I wasn't sure how he managed to hear half of them, but he did.

When Devon finally answered all their questions, they calmed down and sat in a circle waiting, all eyes were trained on him. He carefully removed his suit jacket and rolled up his sleeves as he asked them how they were doing and if they wanted a story. Of course they all called out 'YES!'

Well, except for one little girl, my little girl. Alexis crawled over to him and sat at his feet, with her hands to her mouth she said something but he couldn't hear what it was. Devon knelt down and moved her hands from her face, asking her what she said. Alexis gave him a confused smile and said, "Dada?"

All the kids heard this and started asking Devon if Alexis was his. The look on Devon's face was a little hard to read but he calmly told the kids that Alexis wasn't his, "My best friend is her daddy," he smiled at Alexis. "Isn't that right Lexi?"

"Dada?" Alexis asked again and Devon looked up for me. I quickly made my way over to them and grabbed Alexis off the floor.

"Sorry," I whispered but he wasn't paying attention to me, one of the kids asked him if he was going to tell them a story.

Alexis and I slipped off to the side, where I told her that daddy was at work. She didn't seem to understand it, she kept looking at Devon and then back at me. I think she thought Reed should be there because it wasn't that often we saw Devon without him.

I was changing Alexis' diaper when Devon finished with the story.

"Hey," he came over but when he saw what I was doing he quickly turned back on to us. "Sorry."

I laughed as I did the diaper up, "It's ok. We are decent now aren't we Alexis?" She giggled and reached out her hands to me as I slipped her shorts back on her.

Devon glanced over his shoulder and seeing there was no naked baby, he turned towards us again. "So how is your first day going? Everyone treating you ok?"

I set Alexis on the floor and we both watched her take off to join her new friends. "It's going great," I said, turning to clean up the area I was using. "Everyone is nice and the kids are awesome. I can't thank you enough," I told him with a smile.

He shrugged, "I didn't do anything, this is all you Amber."

I didn't know what to say to that, I wanted to say that if it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have known about this job but something in the way he was standing distracted me; he seemed uncomfortable. "Is there something wrong?" I asked him.

Devon shook his head, "Everything is great."

"Why don't I believe you?"

He shrugged again but gave me a smile, "I don't know Amber." He took one last look at the kids and then told me he had to go.

After he was gone, I couldn't help but think about what Reed told me about him not being able to have children and then I recalled the look on his face when Alexis said 'Dada' to him. I couldn't help but wonder if he wishes he could have kids.

Last night when I got home, Reed was just pulling up to the house. He jumped out of his car and was at my door to open it before I even noticed. He helped me out of the Jeep and then offered to get Alexis for me.

Alexis was just bouncing in her seat when she saw him, and the squeals of joy she let out? Oh my god! You would think that she hadn't seen him for a while, it was so cute. And I know Reed was thrilled that she missed him.

Once we were settled in the house, Reed told me he had ordered pizza on his way here from work. "I know it's not the best celebratory dinner but I knew you are always in the mood for pizza."

I told him it was fine by me, I was actually thinking about ordering some myself. "You are so thoughtful," I told him as we snuggled on the couch.

He chuckled and told me it was the least he could do. "I wasn't sure how tired you would be when you got home, so I didn't want to make plans to take you out without checking with you first." I told him I was grateful for that, I wasn't in the mood to go out anywhere.

Reed asked me how my day was and I told him, when I got to Alexis crawling to Devon, he said the same thing I thought, about how she normally sees Devon with him. When I was done telling him about our day, he gave me a tight squeeze and told me he was so proud of me.

"I wasn't sure if I liked the idea when you first spoke about it darling." I started to say he didn't have to like it when he stopped me. "I know, I know." He smiled, "I'm just used to women being housewives and doing charity events."

I nodded, "I know but that's not me."

"I know; it took me a while but I figured that out. And can I tell you something Amber?"

I smiled, "You can tell me anything Reed."

"I love you," he grinned.

I chuckled, "And I love you."

"But that's not what I wanted to tell you," he told me. "I wanted you to know just how proud I am of you. I am so glad that you took your life in your own hands and decided what was best for you." He paused for a second.

"What?" I turned my face upwards and looked into his eyes, searching for what was wrong.

He shook his head, "Nothing, I was just thinking how lucky I am to be with you."

"Oh Reed." I thought that was such a sweet thing to say, I had to kiss him. I wanted to kiss him.

So I did.

And that's how the pizza delivery guy ended up being greeted at the door by an out of breath, shirtless Reed.

I couldn't control myself.

I think it's going to be a long 17 days...

Maybe if he wasn't so damn sexy...

Or maybe if I didn't want to kiss or touch him every time he was near...

Or maybe if I stopped having sexual dreams about him...

Or maybe, just maybe I should give in and show him the inside of my bedroom sooner than the 21st.

We'll see..........


EJ said...

woo woo!

i know, i say that all the time.

Anonymous said...

I say show him that bedroom NOW! What a great entry....I love to hear how Reed and Alexis are bonding. I predict a LONG happy story about this little family!

Anonymous said...

Awwwwwwww, this was a real nice entry.

Forget how many days are left over just give us some steamy stuff!!!


Anonymous said...

I loved this entry. It seems that maybe, though, Devon is trying to talk to Amber possibly about Janie? Maybe he doesn't want to be the one to start the conversation but wants Amber to give up the news? That could be that uncomfortable look he had.

And I feel for him for wanting something so bad and not being able to have it because of someone else's problems. I could see how much he loves Janie but he also has a loyalty to his family. I also feel sorry for him not being able to have kids. There are options, but I know its nothing like having your own. That makes me sad for him. He might not be such a bad guy after all...

Anonymous said...

Don't make it too steamy or I will have to stop reading this at work!! LOL

Anonymous said...

We need more drama on this blog like the other one...

Maybe a fling between Devon and Anna?

Beth said...

Anon 11:31, I think you are nuts! We do not need more drama like a Devon/Anna affair. That would ruin everything! Let them be happy for a couple of weeks before everything goes bonkers again. Sheesh!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Wow. I'm amazed at how you can just switch gears on the same day. Your other blog is so sad it makes me want to cry, but this one gives me the warm fuzzies! Go you!

By the way, you are such a TEASE...getting your reader's hopes up for a steamy encounter before the 21st! LOL!

Love both your blogs!

Anonymous said...

Love, Love, Love this entry. It is great to see Amber enjoying her new life. Reed is so great to her (now that we know the truth). I love them together. Great job. Keep it up girl you have such a talent!


Anonymous said...

Nah...keep Reed, Amber and us waiting on the 21st..or was it the 22? Anyway...i kind of miss Chris. I know, i know but i miss him nonetheless.. onto Devon: He intrigues me. I can't wait to read more about these 2 men in Amber's life.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Scarlet: Devon's portrayal has morphed from being a straight-up asshole to someone much more interesting. I also don't think that Chris is completely out of the picture either! You'll see...the writer will bring him back!

Anonymous said...

LOL, sweet post! i hope amber can wait till the 21st bc i wanna know what Reed has plannend for them =)

Anonymous said...

i dunno about devon....he really seems like a nice guy but do u guys remember what he said when amber first go into town....but i still like devon and i thought that uncomfortable shifting was because he was starting to like amber and wanted to sort of be alexis' 'dada'...but i want reed and amber to stay together!

Anonymous said...

Lets pretend it's the 21st! My husband is out of town and I need to read about some romance thru someone else's story! Get in that bedroom NOW!!

Mallory said...

I think Amber should tell Janie about Devon. Janie should know and plus it would add more drama to the story and a good ending.

Anonymous said...

WOW - I think we need some drama in this story too! I love the idea of an Amber/Devon fling - great idea Anon 11:31. I also hope we haven't seen the last of Chris......I liked him. Maybe he'll come looking for Amber. At any rate, we DO need some drama here - everything's a little too perfect; let's shake things up a little!

Anonymous said...

Why can't we just make everyone in this story happy? Lets have Janie and Devon get back together!! Double wedding. :)

Anonymous said...

You leave us wanting more.......more please soon. And guys think about it. If everyone in the story is happy there won't be much of a story left. Someone has to be miserable to keep us wanting so much more. Right? Keep it coming Amber we love it.


Anonymous said...

I'm usually not an alarmist, but are you OK? I'm not!! It's been two days since your last post, and we're all jonezin' for the next. Not that we think you should have a life or anything! :-)

Anonymous said...

OK, I agree that we need another post soon, I've checked for one probably a million times :)
but I could go with the NO drama part. I like them happy!!

Anonymous said...

The calm before the storm, perhaps?


Anonymous said...

Let's hope she's writing up a nice long steamy entry for us and that is the reason for the delay! I hope so!!!

Anonymous said...

Hope you and everyone else are ok. Missed your daily entry yesterday. Take care of yourself!
