Friday, July 13, 2007

Drunken Fools!

While Reed and the boys took Devon out on the town, I called Janie up to see what she had been up too. We talked for a while about Cary and her wedding plans and then she asked me how things were with Reed.

"Things are great," I told her. "I'm just sitting around waiting for him to come home." She asked me where he was and I told her about the bachelor party for Devon. "Janie what's wrong?" I asked when she didn't say anything.

"Nothing," she told me and then laughed. "It's kind of pointless to have a bachelor party for Devon, it's not like he'll ever stop living like one after he's married."

"I don't know," I told her. "He seems to be only with Annette at the moment and when the baby comes, I don't see when he'll have time to screw around."

I didn't realize that I mentioned the baby until Janie laughed and told me I was crazy. "There's no baby, Devon doesn't want kids!"

"Ummm," I tried to think of a way to change the subject but I couldn't.

"Amber," Janie was suddenly very serious. "Is Annette pregnant? For real? Is that why he's marrying her?"

"Well Janie you see..."

"I can't believe this!" Janie screamed into the phone. "He told me he never slept with her!"

"Janie you don't know the whole story, see -"

"No Amber, I don't want to know. I'm with Cary and I'm happy; Devon can go to hell for all I care!"

She hung up before I could say anything else. I wasn't looking forward to when Reed and Devon found out that I was the one who talk Janie about the baby.

With the possibility of hanging out with Janie to kill time until Reed came home now gone, I decided to watch a movie or two. I really couldn't get into the movies I had so I ended up just going to bed, at 10, isn't that sad? I guess I feel asleep pretty easily because I barely remember my head hitting the pillow.

The ringing of my phone woke me up around 1 in the morning. I thought it would be Reed, so I jumped for it. "Hello?" I said excitedly but that faded when I was met with silence. "Hello?" I said again and glanced at the caller id, which said 'unknown caller'.

I was about to hang up when I heard laughing, female laughter and then a woman's whispering voice. "You think you are so special? You think he really loves you?"

"You must have the wrong number," I said to her.

"No Amber," the whispering continued. "You are a fool if you think you are the only one Reed has been seeing; where do you think he is tonight?" The woman laughed out loud and then told me Reed was amazing in bed. "I think I should invite him over again."

"Reed loves me," I told her. "I don't know what you are smoking but there's no way he's with you right now!"

"Wanna bet?" Click.

I stared at the phone in my hand. "There's no way he's cheating on me," I said out loud. "He wouldn't do it, he wouldn't risk losing Alexis like that." My bottom lip started to tremble, "Would he?"

I called him, I had too. Even though I didn't believe her, I needed to be reassured that I was right. His cell phone rang twice and then I heard a distorted 'hello'. "Reed?" I pressed the phone against my ear as I tried to hear above the really loud music where he was and the beating of my own heart.

"AMBER! HI DARLING!" He yelled into the phone, he sounded normal, well besides the yelling over the music. I went to speak and I heard, "AMMM-BER!" in the background, it sounded like Devon.

"A TOAST!" I heard another male voice.

"TO WHAT?" Another guy asked.


"TO AMBER!" A chorus of male voices all said at once and then I heard a shooter special being announced. There was a lot of chatter and then I heard Reed again.


"Ok," I smiled. "Have fun Reed, I love you!"

"I LOVE YOU TOO!" He yelled and the boys all started making whipping noises. "SHUT UP GUYS!"

There was laughter and then the guy who toasted me did it again. "A TOAST TO AMBER...DAMN IT REED WHERE'S THE SHOTS? WE CAN'T DRINK TO YOUR WOMAN WITHOUT THEM!"

Reed told me he had to go and we said bye. I hung up feeling a little deaf but really happy. "I knew he wouldn't be cheating on me!"

I laid in bed for a little while thinking about Reed and what he suggested he would like to do when he came home.

I got up, ran to the bathroom to draw a bath for myself, I was going to make his 'dream' come true.

After soaking for a while I got out, dried off and then walked buck naked back to my room. I stood in front of my closet for the longest time wondering what I was going to wear when I remembered that I had a little number that I bought since I came back that I never even took out of the box because I wasn't sure if I was really comfortable wearing it. I quickly found the box and ran back to the bathroom hoping that I didn't feel too weird in it.

Standing in front of the full lenght mirror, I slowly opened my eyes to see how bad it looked. Hmmm I turned to the side and then turned so I could see the back. I feel sexy but do I look sexy? And will Reed really care what I'm wearing? I decided I would keep the barely there number on. He'll love that he can just tug at the strings on the sides and open my body up to full exploration in seconds.

Since I wasn't sure when he was coming home, I went back to bed but I didn't cover up nor did I turn off the bedroom light - I just dimmed them enough that he could see where he was going and my nearly naked body the second he walked into the room.

I fell asleep again only to be woke up a couple hours later when the front door opened. This is it! I squealed in my head and 'arranged' myself to make it appear like I was sound asleep.

I heard his footsteps just outside my door, I listened to the door open and close and then I heard Reed's animalistic groan of male approval when he saw me on the bed, on my stomach with my legs spread slightly. I heard the telltale signs that he was undressing in a real big hurry...


MonkeySpeak said...

OMG do you think its annette trying to screw stuff up?

I don't think Reed would cheat.

OMG IT's PENNY... she's trying to start something. She has dissappeared so far for a bit... she's back and up to no good!

Anonymous said...

penny? i totally forgot about her!!!!!!!! but i dunno i have a feeling that it might be annette, i dunno?!?!
OMG Y DO U GOTTA LEAVE US HANGIN LIKE THAT?!?! lol... i noe, i noe we "apparently love the cliffhangers" but seriously this is going to kill me!!!! lol
i think that amber should tease reed like 'im not in the mood reed' for a little while lol and see what he does! lol yeah i noe im evil!

Anonymous said...

soo glad that reed isnt drunk!!! hes not drunk right? he better not be..otherwise amber will rip his head off!!

Anonymous said...

please, please, please let it be Reed and not anyone else....

Lynn said...

Who wants to mess with Amber and Reed's relationship? Glad Amber doesn't seem to be letting it get to her. Can't wait for the next post

Anonymous said...

I have this sinking feeling that it wasn't Reed that walked in that door! Please say it isn't so, and Amber isn't about to unknowingly do something that will ruin their relationship. I don't know if I will be able to wait until Monday morning when I am at my computer again!!!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hello! It's Faith! The girl that Reed's Dad invited to dinner so he could break Amer and Reed up! And I really don't think that's Reed that came in the room. Somthing makes me think that mysterious caller might have done something bad. Or it could be Devon. I think secretly Amber has a little thing for Devon. We'll see. I think this is a double post day!

MonkeySpeak said...

Well one Reed is drunk. He's been doing shots and drinking... she knew he would be though so I don't think she'll be that mad. I mean, she HEARD them say lets do shots...

It may not be Reed but I think it is.. Kudos to her for not dwelling on the call although it's gonna come up.

And yea, Im going between Faith and Penny. And If it's Faith then I say Reed's father is involve too.

I don't think Devon is at the door and if he is, it's not for sex. Not purposely. Devon loves Janie and Amber loves Reed. I don't think that that love Triangle would happen... we know the facts there - I don't think writer Amber would add that drama in. She isn't redbook! HAHA. I feel like she's been really good with where to draw the line and she throws us through really great loops and makes us THINK something insane is about to happen, but the actual drama that ensues is great, but believable.

Anonymous said...

OMG...u need to double post today. Please God, let that be Reed and not someone else.

Please double post!!

Anonymous said...

My first thought is that the caller is obviously up to no good which means Penny or Faith. I don't think Annette would do this after what we found out in the post a couple of days ago - with being pregnant and all. As far as who walked in... It is Reed. Obviously because she always locks the door and whoever it was had to have a key didn't they!
~Just my thoughts.

MonkeySpeak said...

Im with Lisa - PLUS she "Heard REEDS animalistic groan"

She knows her mans voice right? I know what the guy im seeing sounds like... And the guy I was seeing before him had a totally different... growl... if you will... than my current.

Lynn said...

I agree with Lisa and gatormonkey. Amber would know Reed's sound, whether it be his footsteps, breathing or groan.

Anonymous said...

Amber would definitely know whether it's Reed or not. It has to be him. Also....I thought an earlier post said that Reed was the designated driver so he can't be drunk, can he?

As for the mystery caller - I don't think it's Penny or Annette -that's too obvious. I think we might be introduced to a new character from Reed's past looking to cause trouble.

Anonymous said...

I think it's Devon!!!!
