Thursday, July 19, 2007

Slowing Down

So Lucinda moved into her new place yesterday and I'm not sure how I feel about that. I know that in the beginning I wasn't too friendly towards her but since she left Roger and was staying with Reed, we've gotten closer.

"Promise me you'll come by to see me," she said before Reed and I left for the last time last night.

I told her I promised. "I'll come by tomorrow after work with Alexis, what do you say?" Out of the corner of my eye I saw Reed frowning and so did his mother.

With a laugh she told me that she could wait a day or two. "It looks like Reed wants you to himself." Reed grinned, nodding lots.

When we left Lucinda's we went back to my place because Devon was at Reed's...drunk and I told Reed I wasn't having Alexis around him when he's like that. Reed understood because he didn't want Alexis around him like that either but he hated that he couldn't take Alexis down to the beach and sit with her as the water lapped at their feet. Alexis loved that, she would get excited as the water neared her feet, you could actually feel the excitement building in her and then when the water touched her, she just giggled like a mad child. He hated missing out on bonding time with her.

"I think I'm going to tell Devon he needs to find some place else to go," Reed told me as we gave Alexis a bath.

"Where is he going to go?"

Reed shrugged, "I don't know, he keeps saying he has no where to go and I don't want to seem like a jerk but he needs to get out of my house!"

"Maybe I should talk to him," I told Reed.

"Hell no!" Reed dropped the washcloth and stared at me. "I don't want you talking to him when I'm not around."

"What?" I rolled my eyes. "I can handle Devon, I don't need you there to 'protect' me Reed."

"Amber he has done nothing but hit on you every time he's around you, I don't like it and I don't need him to tell me how hot my woman is! I bloody well know how hot you are!"

Smiling, I leaned over and kissed his cheek. "Hot enough to keep you coming back for more."

"Yes," he gazed at me. "At least that hot."

Reed wanted to stay over last night but he wasn't sure about leaving Devon unattended and drunk in his house, so he stayed until 11 and then went home.

This morning I got a call from Reed's number just after 8, I thought it was Reed but as I answered the phone I realized that he would already be at work.

"What do you want Devon? I'm in a hurry, I have to get to work."

"Ammm-berrr!" He laughed.

He was drunk. Sigh. "Devon I don't have time for this."

"Skip work, call in sick."

"I can't Devon and besides Alexis wants to go to daycare, she has friends there."

He was silent for a moment and then he said, "Good. Friends are good. Reed is my friend - good Reed....bad Devon."

"Devon," I mentally groaned, I didn't want to deal with him like this. "We need to talk, you and I."

"Oh? Ammm-berr want to be bad too?"

"No Devon, I just want to talk to you about this situation. You know this isn't the way to deal with every thing."

"Well I can't run away Amm-berrr."

"That's exactly what you are doing Devon." I glanced at the time and told him I had to go. "But do me a favor, please don't drink any more alcohol."

"But it makes me feel good," he reasoned. "It takes away all the stupid shit and leaves just the happy stuff. Ha ha happy shit..."

I rolled my eyes, "I'm not going to talk to you when you are drunk Devon so please stop drinking."

"You are talking to me now."

"Devon!" I snapped. "Fine! I'm not going to bring Alexis around you when you are like this!" I knew that would make him sit up and take notice, since Saturday he's been spending more time with Alexis and talking about her, I think he is reaching out for the one thing that he can't get but seems to want. "She wants someone who can play with her toys with her, not someone who fumbles and drops everything. I don't like that you swear around her and I don't like that you are teaching her that it's ok to get mad and throw things. I don't want my daughter to think it's ok to be violent Devon."



More silence.

"Devon come on."

"You won't let me see Alexis?" Devon sounded like he was shocked.

"No, I won't let you see her."

"But when Reed -"

"Devon, I won't let her go to his place when you are there like this."

"Oh," he said and then went silent again.

I ended the call not long after. I didn't want to tell him over the phone and I didn't want to use Alexis as a reason for him to get sober but I did.

I just hope there isn't a mommy hell for stuff like that.


The Middle Child said...

There's a mommy heaven for mommies like that, that was the RIGHT CHOICE to make, I just hope Reed doesn't get mad at her for talking to him after he told her he didn't want her talking to Devon.

Good mommy, bad Devon.

Anonymous said...

Right-on bekah! And Reed shouldn't get mad, Devon called Amber----she didn't reach out to him.

Just to echo: good mommy, bad Devon!

EJ said...

i agree... He obviously needed a reality shock and that was it. And Amber weren't using Alexis, she was truthful. I wouldn't want my child around that crap either.

thank goodness dogs can't repeat what comes out of people's mouths.

Carmel Beauty said...

I agree too he did need a shock i just hope it does the trick

Anonymous said...

I think it's a credit to the writer for giving her characters such depth. At the beginning of the blog, who would have thought that we would all start feeling sympathy for Devon.

DEVON??!! I mean, he was pretty villanous in the beginning. But now he seems so messed up and lost, that to see him boozing and wallowing is really sad.

Good for Amber for not putting up with his shit.

Anonymous said...

OK, Devon has seemed like such a horn dog in the past, but I especially like it that it was Amber's threat to keep Alexis away that brought him to his knees! That's just the sweetest thing!

Anonymous said...

Hey Amber/Anna/Author: I've started reading the blog never had to knock on wood b/c of the links that were posted in the comments section for awhile.

Just wondering: are you writing that blog too?


MonkeySpeak said...

Poor Devon. Although he needed a good proverbial slap!

Someone mentioned they thought Wayne getting Annette/Kelly pregs was actually more realistic than her being paid to marry Devon. You know on one hand I do agree. However, if it makes it easier for you to believe, think "stepford syndrome"

At one point, society, with all that money, has an image to protect. They want their sons to marry someone that looks good on the arm, their daughts to marry someone with money. Doesn't matter if there are feelings involved as long as the IMAGE is correct. It isn't so much that they paid annette, it's more that she fit the image they were looking for, and Wayne being an adulterer, her being pregs, and them knowing Devon's weakness, I think it was just easy for them to prey on Devon and make him BELIEVE that was why he was marrying her. They wanted the image... to get annette to follow, well she needed incentive. She was going to be taken care of. I don't think she was actually getting money, she was just gonna be taken care of... could be wrong. At least that was how I took it.

Does that help you at all with the believabilty? Like I said, the pregs with waynes kid plotline was awesome, I agree, but I think thats why it was used... because Devon had to believe it too and thats why hes having so much trouble... iuts hard to beleive your parents would pay someone to marry you....

did that make sense?

Anonymous said...

I agree that i don't want my kids around drunken disorderly people either so Amber did the right thing by saying that to Devon. Hopefully he snaps out of this and trys to get over it another by telling Janie what really happened and all that. Hope Reed doesn't get mad that she talked to him, but he probably will even though she didn't call him.


Snoopy said...

come someone do me a huge favor? the work nazi's banned this site and all blogspot sites... anyone willing to email me the blogs for worktime entertainment?

I would be so grateful!

Anonymous said...

I guess my point about believability is that it doesn't seem like Annette has "class" being single & pregnant. I guess she might have had family money & a good family name but still. I really love the blog - I just liked the original story direction better.

Amber said...

anonymous - that was a nice thing to say, thank you ~s~

Carolyn - ~g~

jocelyn I could totally email the posts for this blog to you...anything to further the addiction ~cough~ I mean, anything to let you escape work for a few minutes every day...yeah, that sounds better ~l~

Stacey, I actually missed your comment on the other post so I didn't know what the heck was goign on! I'm not offended that you don't like the story line as it stands right now, I was actually expecting a few to question the twist ~g~ Since we really don't know that much about Annette/Kelly or all the details of what happened with her and Devon's does seem really unbelievable and that may never change. Or it might, who really knows? ~g~

Anonymous said...

i think that amber did the right thing, shes protecting alexis while forcing devon to become sober in order to see her...but oh it was so sad when devon went silent when amber said that he couldnt see her like that...i felt so bad ..but this is the kick in the butt that devon needs to quit drinking...and maybe, possibly call janie?!?! lol

Anonymous said...

New blog, comments welcome!

MonkeySpeak said...

I get what you are saying stacey - I wasn't disagreeing with you :) Just trying to help maybe give it a new angle for you?

Jocelyn if I remember I will email it to you

MonkeySpeak said...

Jocelyn: I tried emailing it to you but Your profile is private so I couldnt.
