Sunday, July 1, 2007

Show Me Stars

I didn't get to talk to Reed about moving in with him Friday night. In fact we really didn't talk much that night, he got to my place late and just wanted to go to bed. I felt a little upset by this, it wasn't the first time this week that he had to work late. I know it's wrong of me to be upset by that, I knew that there would be nights that he would have to work late, I've seen my father do it for years and they were working in the same office, doing the same kind of work.

But yet it still bothered me and I kind of figured it was because I wanted to talk to him about moving in. Although I wondered if things would be much different than they are now if Alexis and I moved in. Sure, we wouldn't have to decide where we would meet for the night, there would be no excuses not to spend the night sleeping next to each other. I started to wonder if Reed would take me for granted, we weren't really doing much when we did spend time together as it was, we were hanging out at the house most times. Not that I minded all that much that we stayed at home, I just didn't want to fall into a routine where we forgot that we love each other.

Maybe I was being silly, I don't know. Maybe it was the lack of 'us' time we shared in the past week. I don't know if we really kissed much besides what we did in his office on Friday. I don't want to have a relationship where we aren't affectionate for days or weeks or whatever.

I was stressing over it, I guess because I didn't sleep that well Friday night. I kept tossing and turning but Reed slept through it all. I stared at him in the semi darkness a couple times and wished he was awake.

Late Friday night, early Saturday morning, which ever you wish to call it, I finally fell asleep. I told myself that my relationship with Reed would only die out if I let it and I wasn't about to let it.

I was dreaming about going on a vacation when I felt something brush against my shoulder. In my half sleep state, I reached out to push it away from me and ended up slapping Reed across the face. "Oh my god!" I literally jumped up in bed when he cursed. "Are you ok?" I leaned over him to move his hand from his cheek where I slapped him.

"You slapped me," he said totally shocked.

"I'm sorry," I told him while pressing kisses against his face. "I didn't mean too."

"I just wanted to cuddle," he pouted.

"Awww honey," I wrapped my arms around him, pulling him against my chest.

"This is so much better!" He exclaimed before kissing my bare skin.

One touch, that's all it took for Reed to get me wanting him, to get me naked. We made love yesterday like it was the first time we've ever been together, there wasn't an inch of his or my skin that was left untouched.

At one point he moved back from me, he told me that he just wanted to see me. I probably squirmed more under his appreciative gaze than I did when he was touching me, there was something about the look in his eyes that made me feel so naughty and loved so much.

When I told him that he smiled at me. "Baby you are naughty," he murmured as his fingers traced the swell of my breast. He leaned down to kiss me but I turned my head, "What's wrong?" He asked against my neck. When I didn't answer, he lifted his head from my neck and his hand jumped to my chin, turning my face towards his. "Amber what did I do?"

"You called me 'baby'," I spoke so softly he asked me what I said so I repeated it.

He gave me a 'so?' look. "You never call me 'baby'," I told him. "It's always 'darling' or 'my love' or 'BerryLynn'; never 'baby'."

Reed propped himself up on his elbow, "I'm not following Amber."

I sighed, I knew it was stupid but when he called me 'baby' I wondered if he was thinking about someone else. I didn't want to tell him that, I knew it would upset him if he thought I doubted his feelings for me. And I didn't really doubt them, I just.... "It surprised me Reed, it's not something you normally say."

He was silent for a moment, just gazing down at me. "Amber," he dropped the mattress and wrapped his arm around me. "'Darling', 'my love', 'baby'," he paused. "My personal favorite, 'my darling Berrylynn'," Reed grinned, squeezing me gently. "They all mean the same thing to me, words that I can use to let you know you mean the world to me."

"I'm sorry," I gave him a smile. "I know I'm being silly."

He nodded, "But I have to tell you," he moved over me. "Some times I want to call you 'my naughty little wench', especially when you do things that surprise me like," he leaned down and whispered, "when you..." his voice trailed off as his hand cupped my breast. "I just wish I could've finished for you that night, I needed too so badly, you had me seeing stars."

I told him it was high time I made him feel the same way he has always made me feel.

We spent most of the morning showing each other the stars, only leaving the bed once we heard Alexis screaming her head off because she wanted some attention. Even then he tried to keep me in this arms. "Do you really need to get up?"

I laughed, "Not if you get up with her."

In the end Reed got up and went to Alexis. He brought her back to my room with him and crawled into bed again. "She just wanted to see us," he told me as he held Alexis against his chest. "Didn't you Princess?"

"Dada!" She exclaimed then giggled.

I never tire of seeing my man holding his little girl.

Yesterday we spent most of the day out picking up stuff for today's party.

And then he springs it on me that we were invited to his parents for supper. It was an hour before we were supposed to be there and we were still out running errands. I guess it's needless to say I got a little upset with him. "How could you do that?" I asked him when we got back to my place with only 45 minutes left to get ready. "You know it takes forever for me to get excited to see your parents!"

"I'm sorry," he said as he followed me down the hall to my room with Alexis in his arms. "I didn't remember until I told you just now. It's not like I was keeping it from you!"

"I don't have time to argue with you," I told him. "I have to shower, get ready, get Alexis bathed and ready and pack her bag and...and..." I wanted to cry, there was so much I had to do. "And you have to shower too!"

Thankfully Reed was remaining a little calm. "Go shower, I'll bathe Alexis in the sink and get her dressed. Then when you are out, I'll shower." I went to say something to him but he pointed me towards the shower. "Don't make me have to join you!" He joked but I could tell by his tone, he was hoping I would.

We made it to his parents place with a couple minutes to spare.


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry I love these stories...but sometimes Amber just acts so insecure that it is annoying!

Anonymous said...

OH i would have been upset too if i only had 45 mins before i had to be at my in-laws. Great post keep it up your doing a great job.


Anonymous said...

To anonymous @10:47 am---keep in mind that Amber is 19 years old. Yes, she's immature. But the past year or so have been tough on her. Give her time! She'll realize that Reed loves her with all his heart, and they'll live happily ever after!

MonkeySpeak said...

aww its been great catching up on everything...

although while yes, she is 19... shes been a little... emotional lately...

i wonder if it means anything? i mean reading into little things. is it being insecure? or is it being emotional... hormonal even? or am i just hoping for another twist haha.

also, love the new plotlines coming in.

happy belated canada day. sadly i was in victoria the day prior so didn't really get to celebrate up there but had a GREAT time in alaska/canada this past week. gorgeous up there. i miss the weather already (we had suprisingly good weather for the area, sunny and 60's-70's most of the day)

Anonymous said...

I agree with Anon 10:47, she likes to play mind games, and I also agree with Catrina, but I still love her and REED!!

Can't wait for the next one!!


Vikki said...

Amber was tripping a little bit. I mean come on- upset over 'Baby'. But, what can I say, I've had 'girl' moments like that before. I think her and Reed balance eachother out though. It's a good match.

Great post.